Riddle Me This!


Active Member
A little late in the grow, but here we go! Will probably update on a random schedule, because thats just how I roll.

Started growing about a year ago when the world started to blow up, and was immediately hooked. After a cabinet grow in which I acted as though humidity wasn't even a thing, and an outside grow that gave me an 11 foot tall monolith (and a big gash when I slipped off the raised bed and took out two other plants), I'm turning my attention to...the Scrog. I give you: Riddle Me This! *comments, suggestions, questions are all welcome!*

This is this morning, day two of flower:

4x4x6.5 Tent
640W Samsung F-Series Strip Build w/ 2 x 54W Arcadia 14% UVB T5
4 x 15Gal Fabric Pots
Organic Super Soil w/ coco and perlite, Alfalfa hay mulch
Super hard water, Fish Hydrolysate, Kelp Goo, and Molasses

Short story:

Mystery Bag seed -> really good weed -> clones -> neglect -> clones -> here.

Long Story:

Let me tell you a long story. A friend of ours worked for a MOM service, and happened to find a seed while bagging orders. She gave it to me, but had no idea what it was ("Mayyyybe Fire OG"). So I pop the seed indoors, and add it to the army of bag seeds that I germinated:

Each plant was grown out to about 5 nodes, topped, and the top was cloned. Each clone was forced into flower to tell me the ladies from the boys, and I kept the best looking clones from each strain with the idea of using them as mothers. Low and behold, its a girl. I named it "Riddler" for obvious reasons. Super squat indica for sure, smelled nice and dank (earthy? what exactly is dankness?) while it was growing. Harvest time comes, and I start doing a little bit of sampling from everything that I grew that year, and this stuff makes my face! Good thing I saved a mother, right?

Well, being a novice grower, I had the mother under the full 640W power of my F-Series Deathstar to aid in reversing flower. That worked, but the clone grew like a bush - branching everywhere. I moved it to a shelf under 60 watts of LED T5s (spread over 3 feet to boot) to clear out the tent, and of course it started to flower again...and die, because I still didn't have a handle on humidity, and my watering practices sucked hard. After a while, I made a last ditch attempt at salvaging what I could, and cut off 8 clones. 6 rooted, and I took 4 for this project, and two as keepers. One of those is dead. We don't talk about her.

My good lord did those clones branch. This is a bad picture of the underside of my canopy before I started cleaning it up this morning:

I have done nothing but using the trellis to keep the tops flat. It completely filled out on its own. I've heard this is called a "Branching Monster"?

Anyway, now we are here. I started taking cuttings this morning, and will be auditioning them to find new mothers that will hopefully be pressed into perpetual in another 8-10 weeks. Updates soon! (Yes, I'm trying to root mint in my clone dome).
The screen and seedlings are looking nice!

They dead leafs in the top of the pot would keep me up at night, that's a mould, mildew and bug trap/hotel, dead decaying humid it's not a good thing, clear it up before it causes you problems!
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How much do you smoke? Four 15 gallon pots?

Are you trying to smoke yourself into a coma?

Don't be like me. Over growing. Having more jars then I could smoke in 8+ months. Giving a handful nugs to the people that hand me a single nug....just to get rid of the weed.

There's weed crumbs in my carpet. Couch, kitchen drawers, garage, tool box, bedroom, bathroom, and the yard. I'm not sure about my vehicle but I'd bet some crumbs fell off me, sometime.

*I just turned my head left. There's a tiny nip of a sugar leaf on the end table....
How much do you smoke? Four 15 gallon pots?

Are you trying to smoke yourself into a coma?

Don't be like me. Over growing. Having more jars then I could smoke in 8+ months. Giving a handful nugs to the people that hand me a single nug....just to get rid of the weed.

There's weed crumbs in my carpet. Couch, kitchen drawers, garage, tool box, bedroom, bathroom, and the yard. I'm not sure about my vehicle but I'd bet some crumbs fell off me, sometime.

*I just turned my head left. There's a tiny nip of a sugar leaf on the end table....

You should start a journal :D
The screen and seedlings are looking nice!

They dead leafs in the top of the pot would keep me up at night, that's a mould, mildew and bug trap/hotel, dead decaying humid it's not a good thing, clear it up before it causes you problems!
Thanks man! I've got a 2-3 inch thick layer of alfalfa hay mulch on top, and its constantly soggy - I actually noticed today that the roots are growing up into it! So far no problems. You can't see it in the pics, but I've got a big honkin' fan in the middle of the pots, and it blows enough air to really help under the canopy.

Don't be like me. Over growing. Having more jars then I could smoke in 8+ months. Giving a handful nugs to the people that hand me a single nug....just to get rid of the weed.
I laughed so hard, and so did the wife. I can't even give our extra away! Why don't people smoke weed?? I've actually started turning the extras and such into oil for my wife, who was recently diagnosed with MS and shouldn't smoke anymore. Silver lining in everything.
How much do you smoke? Four 15 gallon pots?

Are you trying to smoke yourself into a coma?

Don't be like me. Over growing. Having more jars then I could smoke in 8+ months. Giving a handful nugs to the people that hand me a single nug....just to get rid of the weed.

There's weed crumbs in my carpet. Couch, kitchen drawers, garage, tool box, bedroom, bathroom, and the yard. I'm not sure about my vehicle but I'd bet some crumbs fell off me, sometime.

*I just turned my head left. There's a tiny nip of a sugar leaf on the end table....
I thought you were gonna say 'I just turned my head left".... and some fell out of my ear. :bigjoint:
The screen and seedlings are looking nice!

They dead leafs in the top of the pot would keep me up at night, that's a mould, mildew and bug trap/hotel, dead decaying humid it's not a good thing, clear it up before it causes you problems!
I'm not exactly sure, but isn't that what a mulch layer is for?
Thanks man! I've got a 2-3 inch thick layer of alfalfa hay mulch on top, and its constantly soggy - I actually noticed today that the roots are growing up into it! So far no problems. You can't see it in the pics, but I've got a big honkin' fan in the middle of the pots, and it blows enough air to really help under the canopy.

I laughed so hard, and so did the wife. I can't even give our extra away! Why don't people smoke weed?? I've actually started turning the extras and such into oil for my wife, who was recently diagnosed with MS and shouldn't smoke anymore. Silver lining in everything.
You can give it to me! I'll smoke it! :p:bigjoint:
Thanks man! I've got a 2-3 inch thick layer of alfalfa hay mulch on top, and its constantly soggy - I actually noticed today that the roots are growing up into it! So far no problems. You can't see it in the pics, but I've got a big honkin' fan in the middle of the pots, and it blows enough air to really help under the canopy.

I laughed so hard, and so did the wife. I can't even give our extra away! Why don't people smoke weed?? I've actually started turning the extras and such into oil for my wife, who was recently diagnosed with MS and shouldn't smoke anymore. Silver lining in everything.
If you're doing living soil, I believe you want it moist at the top of the soil, under mulch, no?
I have. Years ago. The small journals from Hobby Lobby. Plus a few given to me for Christmas. It seems to be the go to gift for me...

Years and years of hard earned knowledge. No way I'm putting all of my hard work on the internet.

Some things you gotta keep to yourself. Paper journals for me.
You selfish man! :p... just kidding. Some things are meant to be secret!
Update #2 - Day 5 Flower
Screwed up the timer on my power strip and discovered that the UV T5s were coming on for an hour during lights out. At least it was only for a day or two, but we will see what kind of crazy antics happen.

Did some defoliating this morning to clean up under the canopy:

Kicking myself a bit now with those 15 gal pots in my way. Doing the front two was difficult, to say the least. I have no idea how I'm going to get at the back two. Side flaps of the tent are semi-accessible, but Mr. Genius set the trellis net about 2 inches below the opening, making it impossible to get my hands down under. I imagine I'll end up hovering over everything, suspended from the ceiling like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible. Man, it looks like a grove of sumac trees under there.

Cuttings and The Invasive Mint looking really happy. First time using heat under my clones, and I'm really happy with it. No roots yet.

Basic rooting powder (Stim-Root #3) and peat discs, nothing fancy

That's all I've got! Thanks for looking!
If you're doing living soil, I believe you want it moist at the top of the soil, under mulch, no?
Hmm, you're probably right. These plants drink so much water that the mulch isn't getting a chance to dry out for very long. I'm kind of treating it like part of the soil anyway - it was "pre-composted" with cocoa husks (super crazy fungus food) and then plopped right on, with the idea it would break down quickly and feed my sweet sweet roots.

Edit - My bad, didnt see you next one! lol!
Hmm, you're probably right. These plants drink so much water that the mulch isn't getting a chance to dry out for very long. I'm kind of treating it like part of the soil anyway - it was "pre-composted" with cocoa husks (super crazy fungus food) and then plopped right on, with the idea it would break down quickly and feed my sweet sweet roots.

Edit - My bad, didnt see you next one! lol!
In no till, you can use the leaves and stems for mulch. They just end up recycling.
How much water do you give when watering?
In no till, you can use the leaves and stems for mulch. They just end up recycling.
How much water do you give when watering?
3 litres, broken up into two parts, about an hour or so in between. I've been doing this every night now, slowly working my way up. Sometimes I'll squeeze in a morning water of 1.5L. So. Thirsty.
And we're back! Week 3, Day 14 of Flower:

Sadly, this was before my overzealous application of kelp foliar, which put the plants into K Toxicity. These next photos are from yesterday, Day 17. Lots of burned leaves now, but still some great bud growth:

You can see what I mean about the leaves. Live and learn I guess. The plants are making a slow recovery, and the new growth is filling in to a dark green again, so I'm happy. Could have been worse.

Did some maintenance under the canopy too! Actually, I did this a while ago - at the start of flower.

As a last hurrah in flower, I top-dressed with EWC and more Alfalfa mulch:

And of course, I have furry friends to help:

That's it for now. I'll post a few more pics in a couple of days, so we can check out the bud growth and healing. Thanks for reading!