Riddle Me This


Well-Known Member
nice node production Enigma!

i suggest you start to FIM ASAP so you will have more and better clone sites(on the plant) to fill your SUPER SOG system. just my 2 cents anyways :D thanks for the updated pics, they look healthy!


Well-Known Member
So you advocate 18/6 over 16/8 and 24/0? The growing phase (overnight) makes perfect sense. I've got my plants on 24/0, and I've been wondering about the benefits of other photoperiods.


Well-Known Member
nice node production Enigma!

i suggest you start to FIM ASAP so you will have more and better clone sites(on the plant) to fill your SUPER SOG system. just my 2 cents anyways :D thanks for the updated pics, they look healthy!

I'm going to FIM them once the new light arrives.

So you advocate 18/6 over 16/8 and 24/0? The growing phase (overnight) makes perfect sense. I've got my plants on 24/0, and I've been wondering about the benefits of other photoperiods.

I just think it is necessary to keep an amount of darkness to every plants developement. 18/6 is what I prefer.


Well-Known Member
I used to be 24/0 for my first few grows but this last one i've switched to 18/6 and i think i like it


Well-Known Member
They're certainly looking healthy! How long before you have to transplant them now?
I'll watch for leaf production under this light.

When the plants growth slows down with the same amount of light, in this case, it is root lock.

No worries, I've got new homes for all of them!

Time to find some lava rocks!!!




Well-Known Member
your plants look real good :D

where did you get your grow bags from? i have the same ones from the looks of it.

what are you using the lava rock for? thanks peace out.


Well-Known Member
your plants look real good :D

where did you get your grow bags from? i have the same ones from the looks of it.

what are you using the lava rock for? thanks peace out.
Got the bags at the local store, $0.15 each.

Lava rocks go in the bottom of the large container. They will add nutrients and also a very good way of airating the soil from underneath.




Well-Known Member
Lava rocks, eh? There's a shit-ton of those at a Wendy's by my house. Sounds like a brilliant way to aerate the soil... so I think I'll be grabbing a couple pot-fulls of that.


Well-Known Member
Lava rocks, eh? There's a shit-ton of those at a Wendy's by my house. Sounds like a brilliant way to aerate the soil... so I think I'll be grabbing a couple pot-fulls of that.
Hell ya man!

Lava laiden soil is some of the most fertile shit on the planet.. check out Hawaii!!!

If you decide to bring things in from the outside I'd usggest some way of cleaning them first.

This is prevent contamination!


Well-Known Member
Ok, so quick update.

I've pre-sexed the plants.. they all look to be males.


There's always a first time for everything.

Ugh.. oh well.. this will give me some time to change them to the generative phase and take some pics of male flowers for all to see.

Right now I am using all 'blue' spectrum lights.. but after reading one of my handy notebooks (schnoogans!) from study I found something in there about the 'red' spectrum.

I'll be upgrading the lights again soon for the mums.. this time I will have the 'red' lights to 'blue' lights in about a 3:1 ratio.

This has a lot to do with plant physiology.

The prefered, by my notes, light spectrum is 3 'red' lamps (3500 K) to 1 'blue' lamp (6500 K). This is the best suited spectrum for plant growth.. again, vegetation physiology.

I'm glad I didn't sleep that much in biology.


Well-Known Member
can you post some good close ups of the balls?

i know low temps make more females. i think a lower ph produces more females also. i might have book marked all the things induce more females, let me try and dig it up.

either way, too bad. hopefully your sexing skills are mistaken.



Well-Known Member
Here Is How To Produce Mostly Females From Standard Seeds - Growing Marijuana Forum

you owe me now enigma.... that took a lot of work. :D

but thats what friends are for.... here it is in a nutshell

1. Level of nitrogen and potassium of the seedbed: A heightening of the standard level of nitrogen makes for more female plants originating from the seeds. A lowering of the nitrogen level shows more male plants. A heightening of the level of potassium tends to show more male plants, while a lowering of the potassium level shows more female plants. A combination of a higher nitrogen level for the period of a week or two and a lowering of the potassium level is recommended.

2. Humidity and moistness of the seedbed: a higher humidity makes for an increase in the number of female plants from seed, a lowering for an increase in male plants. The same is valid for the moistness of the seedbed.

3. Level of temperatures: lower temperatures make for a larger number of female plants, higher temperatures for more male plants.

4. Colour of light: more blue light makes for female plants from seed, more red light makes for more male plants.

5. Hours of daylight: few hours of daylight (e.g. 14 hours) makes for more female individuals, a long day (e.g. 18 hours) makes for more male plants.


Well-Known Member
can you post some good close ups of the balls?

i know low temps make more females. i think a lower ph produces more females also. i might have book marked all the things induce more females, let me try and dig it up.

either way, too bad. hopefully your sexing skills are mistaken.


I saw the sexual organs during pre-sex. That is when the plant has matured in the veg phase. I could be wrong!!! (Crosses fingers)

I'm pretty convinced that they are male. I am putting them under 12 hours light for the next two weeks to force them to show some balls or not. I'll have pictures of the males and hopefully females when they show fully.

Right now I've started 8 more seeds of bag seeds.. I really hoped the mystery strain would've gone a better route.. it was supposed to be some good shit from the circle I was a part of in the East. I just had to wait until flowering to find out the strain.

I think the humidity might have influenced it, from your link. It was low at points (40%) when it really needs to be 60-70%. The temps were always good (22-26 deg Celcius) <------- Going metric!!!!!!!!

This time I am taking exhaustive notes on everything I do and everything that happens.. pics daily.. and of course upgrades!!!!!

I've got to go handle some business and work.. so I'll be back later!

