For curing, any air-tight container will work, as long as they don't have any kind of funky scent that can be absorbed by the smoke. That's why many prefer glass, but plastic works well, too. Burping? You should burp them at least once a day, two or three times, if you want to play it really safe, til the smoke gets nearly completely dried. The containers don't need opened for a long time, either, just enough to exchange the air inside, replacing it with fresh stuff. It's common sense. If you have your smoke all stuff in one smaller jar, it'll take longer for the air to exchange, than if you had it in a larger, more 'open' container, and should be left open for 5 minutes or so, to make sure. If you're in a hurry, dump the smoke out, then stuff it back in, and you're done, air exchanged. The buds should be rotated often anyway, to provide even curing, so you'd be killing two birds with one stone. Otherwise, mix your buds around when you burp them, to do the same.
I'm outta time, so I'll leave the "stem snapping" part to soneone else.LOL
Oh yeah, when curing, you want to store the contairs in darkness, and at cooler temps. I think 65*(give or take) is supposed to be the ideal temp, but as long as it isn't much over 75* or less than 55*, the smoke will be fine. Just make sure to give it at least a month, then start reaping the rewards. They say that there's no benefit to curing more than 6 months, but that's just something I've read along the way, so can't confirm or deny, but i imagine it's fairly accurate. 2 months, is usually enough to make any smoker a happy camper.