right 5 of......

mary jane

Active Member
my babies have sprouted to about 2 inches but the rest have yet to break the surface. are the 2 inchers ready to moved to bigger pots or what and how big do they have to be until they go under the mh


Well-Known Member
things like how big the pots they are in now, and how big is the mh, and what kinda lights are they under now are things that would help to answer your question. its all in the details. but the general short answer is your plants dont need to be moved until the roots are well established, and are healthy enough to take the stress of the move.( just start in big pots if possible) ill assume your useing floros for them now,(most common lights for seedlings) you dont need to move them for a few weeks at best. easy way to tell is can the floros light reach the bottom leaves on your babes. when the bottom few sets arent getting light move'um. it wont help 2" tall plants to be under HID bulbs. cost wise its just a waste

good luck n keep us posted

mary jane

Active Member
only in germinating squares about 2.5- 3 inches wide and the same deep. have a 600w. ya im using flouros at the mo. do you think the rest of the germinated seeds will sprout , i mean is it normal to have difference of 10 days between seeds breaking the surface. should i just germinate more seeds? thanks for your input. mucho appreciated.


Well-Known Member
squares of what? soil, rock wool or what not. soil as long as you can move them without crushing the roots much i'd move'um, if its rock wool wait until you see a decent amount of roots starting to grow out of the wool.
as for the 600w id wait a few weeks as long as the floros are covering the plants ok. but ima tight wad and floros are way cheaper than HIDs to run. but if you do wanna go ahead and use the mh make sure to have it way over the plants to start then lower it until you and your plants are happy. the intensity from a HID can do way more harm than good when plants are small. alot of ppl seem to think floros are not worth a thing, but as long as they cover ok i use them. ive got 12 plants under 8, 4' 40watt floros for 1 month and they are just fine. (check out my avitar for proof, they are at 3 weeks in that pic)
if youve got some extra seeds and squares i would start a new batch.10 days is a long time not not see any improvement, but i wouldnt give up all hope for alil while longer.
good luck n keep us posted