Right in the funny bone

A monkey was smoking a joint in a tree. A little iguana walks to the foot of the tree and yells to the monkey, 'whatcha doin' up there?' The monkey replied, 'smoking a joint, c'mon up!' After the session, the iguana says to the monkey, 'my mouth is SO dry!' The monkey told him where the pond was, not far from their tree. The iguana gets to the edge of the pond to drink, but is so high he falls in. A huge crocodile pushes him back onto land, and said, 'what's wrong with you?!' The iguana said, 'I got wasted with a monkey in a tree right over there!' The crocodile walked to the base of the tree and looked up and said, 'Hey, monkey!' The monkey looks down, his eyes widen, and he says, 'FUCK! How much water did you DRINK???'
ARE THERE ANY BIPOLAR BEARS IN THE HOUSE? what did the gunslinger preacher say? pew pew pew pew. I just now made those jokes up. I suck.