Right or wrong, why I think Treyvon was shot

how about this, SGT i allaways enjoyed your posting

UB's rant about your life(your personal choices with your lady) was fucked up

echloan has been a dick from day one . .. . . . . .and CS your fucking a duck stuffed with tacos . . .funny lonney tones

tbh i dotn knwo why SGT evgen responds to this shit . . . .i always assumed you were above the tit for tat games

and ya i left off a R on your . . .who cares ?maybe UB . . . . is that the train you are getting on

technically you shoudl be used to dropped R's
I usually don't get involved until something is said directed specifically at me. No, I don't care about peoples spelling as long as I can halfway understand it. I wasn't attacking you, I was curious as to the double standard that "some" seem to have in favor of him. Frankly I've been sitting back enjoying the back and fourth since I knew it was going to happen when that pic was posted. Notice I haven't made one comment about his wife, not that I don't have any, I just don't have a reason to "yet".

Also, I don't know what would be worse; the fact that he will probably read this and try and provoke a response about his wife, or the disrespect he may have for his wife in order to get a response.
I usually don't get involved until something is said directed specifically at me. No, I don't care about peoples spelling as long as I can halfway understand it. I wasn't attacking you, I was curious as to the double standard that "some" seem to have in favor of him. Frankly I've been sitting back enjoying the back and fourth since I knew it was going to happen when that pic was posted. Notice I haven't made one comment about his wife, not that I don't have any, I just don't have a reason to "yet".

Also, I don't know what would be worse; the fact that he will probably read this and try and provoke a response about his wife, or the disrespect he may have for his wife in order to get a response.

the cant beat em(aka its the internet) so you join thing seems not so glamorous . . .. plus you end up with not so great company . . .UB has many fans
Since we're posting couples pictures I thought I would jump in.

Here is a pic of my beautiful wife and me. She is my queen. I Love You Charlese!!

I remember a show a few years ago that took makeup and made white people appear to be black. Some of the things they have observed was that white people had a fear of blacks. If I remember correctly there was more fear observed, or at least more instances of white people reacting to those that had been made to look black when they had not only been made to look black but were dressed in a 'hip-hop' style. From what I have seen, Treyvon was dressed in somewhat of a hip-hop fashion. Now, let me be clear, I am not saying that it is OK for people to go around shooting folks just because they have an initial reaction of fear towards someone. But let us face facts. Zimmerman (GZ) was initially suspicious towards Treyvon (TM). Why? Well, I think it is fair to say that the majority of crime is committed by blacks who are hip-hop dressed, whites that commit crimes are also hip-hop dressed, as well as white-trash dressed. The white-trash style has yet to catch on in the African American community. I think had TM been dressed in khaki pants, with a polo or button up tucked in with a belt and nice shoes he would not have been confronted, and shot. Of course, people have a right to dress how they see fit, but sometimes there are negative affects of the choices we make that we have every right to make. A similar thing might be said of a female rape victim that was dressed like a total slut. It doesn't make it her fault she was raped, but her decision to hold herself out as a whore increased her chances of getting raped.

Saturday Night Live was the first to use "white face"..what you are describing is called..wait for it...profiling.
I would post a pic of me and my fiancee, but the trust I have for this place is very limited. I stopped dating white girls and moved on to an asian, best decision of my life. :wink: But anyways, it makes me happy to see a white woman happy with a black guy with no black eye. Wait, that sounded better in my head. :lol:
Congrats dude, you two look happy. :clap:
Wok yu sey?