Right Time OR Wait?

Yet today I watched a well respected cannabis growing Youtuber preach the virtues of both flushing and 48 hrs of darkness. According to him it increases terpenes, THC and trichomes. So I see where this utter bollocks comes from.

Well.. in fairness i can only speak from my own experiences.. i tried flushing once.... once... to each their own :)
BTW.. if you could post the url to that vid i would like to see it.. I am not flaming you or talking shit, i am honestly curious i am always open to being wrong myself :)

I subscribed to him because him and his dopey mate used to do videos of them both getting fucked up on bongs. It was funny watching their faces melt.:D
He's a decent guy, we just have different opinions on flushing is all.. his buds are prettier for sure.. i HATE trimming, i only grow for me so i don't go for pretty :)