Right wing anti woke propaganda targets peaceful protests

I gather you and I have the same concern in that right wing demagogues are seeking to establish themselves as strong men who would protect society from the "violence and chaos".

Those demagogues (best words to describe them still) are always there, in our case more so now than ever (given that Wilders was voted winner just 6months ago and despite not becoming PM will have relatively most votes in parliament).

Wilder's in 2007, after a NL vs Moroccan youth soccer match: "the police should get the right to shoot rioters [he meant muslim kids] in the knees". Something he doubled down on for years, including "2 bullets in the kneecap should have a preventative result".

What these protesters do is put it in front of him, no seeking required, the feed him. I don't have a problem with pro-palestina protests, even when their view in this case is so one-sided and simplistic, but it's the form and the unreasonable demands that matter. Under certain circumstances I would not even oppose the rioting but at the very least only after exhausting more peaceful and especially fruitful alternatives. Like a nationwide peaceful protest that would have been joined by many non-students. They could have simply opted to do that. Or block a major highway like Extinction Rebellion did for months by just sitting tf down. And wtf are they not burning the place down over Wilders forming a cabinet?

Not monolith in most ways, and in probably different ratios but similar make up of people (though the fascist cop thing to a lesser extend). But very organized, unionized even. Sure there were instigators, on both sides (some pro-Israel protesters did show up, not sure what that means atm, pro-Israel, I'm fine with just not being anti-), troublemakers not associated with the uni, but those aren't the ones who made such a mess of it or attacked the police.

The students that don't 'support vandalism and violence or engaged in it' went home or gtfo like we used to do in the 80s.
I'm not sure where I stand regarding the protests in the US. It's too confusing. The protesters don't seem to be a monolith to me. Some are earnest young adults who object to the killings of civilians by the IDF. There are earnest pro Palestinian protesters and some radical anti-Semites in the mix, some of them aren't even students at the college. The other side, call them counter protesters, are a mirror image. Some are earnestly protesting Hamas's slaughter on Oct 6 , the taking of hostages and defending Israel's right to defend itself. There is a mix of people, some of whom aren't really about supporting Israel, they just don't like student protesters and take advantage of the chaos to bust some entitled kids in their heads. Then there are racists who have a hate thing-thing going for Muslims and don't really care about Israel or maybe even want it destroyed too.

On the perimeter are reporters of various stripes, some from main stream media, some from radical right and some from the radical left. All of whom are overblowing the situation and making it seem bigger than it is. There are also fascist cops who are doing their own shit, politicians making hay out of this mess, shopkeepers caught in the middle suffering grievous losses and a whole slew of others.

From your commentary, I gather you and I have the same concern in that right wing demagogues are seeking to establish themselves as strong men who would protect society from the "violence and chaos". This is the main point of this thread. Say what you want about the riots, I agree that it's beyond the pale and counter productive to the purposes of most participants. I think most protesters on either side don't support vandalism and violence or engaged in it. We have seen plenty of examples where pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel protesters joined to condemn violence and engaged in honest discussion. So, it's hard for me to form a general opinion about this.

What I get out out of all this is: this is a test of leadership. Any leader who says "I can fix it" with strong police action or force should be voted out of office. They are showing their true nature and that kind of politician should be, figuratively speaking, defenestrated at the ballot box.
How hard would it be for a couple dozen patriot front dickheads LARP as some college kids for a couple days/weeks, then the other couple dozen dickhead friends of theirs show up as 'counter protesters' and manufacture drama for the cameras where fire and fireworks can look all scary and big? Mix them in with all the other levels of people who are radicalized enough to show up to one of these and it becomes muddy enough water that Trump/GQP can use it to scare all those suburban parents more than they already are.

They need colleges, because that is where they can get large enough groups of younger kids to blend in and do damage is my bullshit guess. It really seems like there is a push to ignite huge protests like Trump had in 2020, but looks like they are going to fizzle like their bullshit trucker protest in Canada a couple years ago (unless Dictator Bibi goes off the Rez and triggers some shit again to try to help get his MAGA buddies re-elected I guess).

If there were, chances are it'll take months for all that footage to be viewed enough that people start outing the radicalized idiots, so by the time that it is becoming proved, it'll be so many outrages ago that nobody will care enough to explain/learn about who is actually doing the violence.
How hard would it be for a couple dozen patriot front dickheads LARP as some college kids for a couple days/weeks, then the other couple dozen dickhead friends of theirs show up as 'counter protesters' and manufacture drama for the cameras where fire and fireworks can look all scary and big? Mix them in with all the other levels of people who are radicalized enough to show up to one of these and it becomes muddy enough water that Trump/GQP can use it to scare all those suburban parents more than they already are.

They need colleges, because that is where they can get large enough groups of younger kids to blend in and do damage is my bullshit guess. It really seems like there is a push to ignite huge protests like Trump had in 2020, but looks like they are going to fizzle like their bullshit trucker protest in Canada a couple years ago (unless Dictator Bibi goes off the Rez and triggers some shit again to try to help get his MAGA buddies re-elected I guess).

If there were, chances are it'll take months for all that footage to be viewed enough that people start outing the radicalized idiots, so by the time that it is becoming proved, it'll be so many outrages ago that nobody will care enough to explain/learn about who is actually doing the violence.
This whole thing is being blown up, way out of proportion.

From The Financial Times, today:


Come on, man. This is nothing like 1968, nor does it echo of the George Floyd BLM protests in 2020. This isn't anything like those. Trump and his ilk might want to be so. I have no doubt that Roger Stone or one of his doppelgangers are trying to stir some shit up with the kind of dirty tricks outlined in your post. FT is no FOX or NY Post. They are credible most of the time but their article today made me want to vomit.

"Student Activism evokes sense of disorder that doomed Lyndon B Johnson", my ass. Not even close. This has me considering dropping my subscription. Not just this but including this.

I'm in agreement with you. I think the protests are going to die down and evidence will come out showing how the media coverage was influenced by people with their own agenda that had nothing to do with the tragedy playing out in Gaza or southern Israel. It sickens me to see people taking advantage and I'm going to remember who took it. They are scum. There are plenty of scum in the Palestinian side and on the Israeli side but I can at least credit them as being involved with the events at hand. But the outside agitators who are taking advantage of the situation, including the so-called mainstream media, fuuuuuuuck them.
This whole thing is being blown up, way out of proportion.

From The Financial Times, today:

View attachment 5392224

Come on, man. This is nothing like 1968, nor does it echo of the George Floyd BLM protests in 2020. This isn't anything like those. Trump and his ilk might want to be so. I have no doubt that Roger Stone or one of his doppelgangers are trying to stir some shit up with the kind of dirty tricks outlined in your post. FT is no FOX or NY Post. They are credible most of the time but their article today made me want to vomit.

"Student Activism evokes sense of disorder that doomed Lyndon B Johnson", my ass. Not even close. This has me considering dropping my subscription. Not just this but including this.

I'm in agreement with you. I think the protests are going to die down and evidence will come out showing how the media coverage was influenced by people with their own agenda that had nothing to do with the tragedy playing out in Gaza or southern Israel. It sickens me to see people taking advantage and I'm going to remember who took it. They are scum. There are plenty of scum in the Palestinian side and on the Israeli side but I can at least credit them as being involved with the events at hand. But the outside agitators who are taking advantage of the situation, including the so-called mainstream media, fuuuuuuuck them.
The guy who, if nominated, would not run and, if elected, would not serve?

Lyndon was doomed before the campaign even started.

Fun fact, Noem and Johnson both had puppy problems.
Made me look it up!
It was different in scale, but not in kind. LBJ doubled down on his supppsed knowing what dogs like/is good for them.

Back then, though, sociopaths knew to keep their cruelties more concealed …

(soundtrack is a bit Holocaust documentary imo)