RIP Christopher Hitchens


Well-Known Member
Wow, Indicaman, I was JUST about to make this thread when I saw yours. Hitch was a real hero of mine, no one could debate like he could. and I'll miss the Hitchslap, as well...

P.S. No deathbed conversions this time...

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
I know some people at fox are going to make jokes of him being in hell for talking about that looney mother Teresa. and O'rielly will have some smug remark about it that his fans will love.


Well-Known Member
saw this on yahoo yesterday. very sad, but at least hes not hurting anymore........ or is he?(hell joke)

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
when my kids ask who i looked up to, i can proudly say "Christopher Hitchens", he was really the kind of person i'd gay marry just so i could hear him speak his opinion about stuff.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
thank you for sharing Luger, it means a lot. i love these videos and watched them all thanks to your help. you the man