RIP Dumbass


Well-Known Member

"was going for action shot" - sounds like he got it. Then they make the superman comparison to make the article as fucked up as possible for such a lame story. I feel bad for his family, and the guy that was driving the train. He was probably really late to where he needed to go, and he probably had to talk to cops for a long time.
I agree & empathize with the driver & family but there is a lesson to be learned here aside from a train is something you dont fuk with .

It shows how totally out of control this whole social media craze has became , the " hey look at me " shit has reached whole new levels of stupidity .

His death will only inspire a whole generation of fools to shoot road flares outta their bung holes while running naked to beat a train , all so they can get likes , or pokes or whatever .