Ripped off by Green Line Organics seed bank (GLO).

Yeah he could have cut it open and taken the shit out of the side or something. Look I can keep this ball rolling but I have been angry for 3 months over this shit now and he gave me a video of the package being opened and we had decent conversation. One thing that doesn't make sense about him straight up robbing me is the fact this guy does have thousands of seeds of his own gear. It would not make sense for him to withhold that from me when he could have given me what he basically has infinity of to shut me up. I have been plastering his instagram and every forum for awhile now and he has known about it. I believe him because of this. I think he really thought I was a shake down.

One thing that stuck out to me in the video is when he opened it and it was completely fuckin empty no order form multiple sheets of paper or money, he said "another empty package". That started to make think maybe it was stolen closer to him like his UPS delivery guy knows where is delivering and knows a lot of cash is going through.

I think we have a way to find out where the money possibly went missing because he mentioned the weight of the package matched the weight of just the package posted on UPS label. That means someone may have printed out a new label after removing my fuckin money. I just want to know if we can narrow down to his UPS delivery person or the chick I mailed from. I have to drive through that town quite often throughout the year so I want paybacks if I can definitively pin it on someone.

All I know is my money was 1 million percent in that fuckin envelope and he produced the video from months ago he said he had so my benefit of the doubt definitely leans towards him at this point considering other things I have mentioned here. I shipped off my order to him today and we will see how the dust settles with this.

I'm confused.. did you buy a money order at a UPS mail center, then turn around and stuff it into an envelope right in front of the employee? How would she know that you were sending money? Why did you ship via UPS instead of USPS?

The fact that he's taping the opening of packages is sketchy enough, but him mentioning "another empty package" is a huge red flag. It's his responsibility to report thefts to the company that handles the packages, and he needs to also find another address to have mail sent to.
No. I had cash all 100 bills a 50 and the rest change (i used cash because I was told he doesn't accept anything else because someone ratted on his credit card op and it was i like nyways to be honest no cameras involved). I wrote out the order form at my hotel. I placed it in between several sheets of paper like I always do. I then put it in a manila envelope closed the metal things and put tape over the lip. Wrote the addresses it needed to go to on the front. The UPS lady printed out the sticker put it directly on the envelope. That had never happened before when I mailed with ups. They always put it in a folder like thing weigh it and ship it out. She said she would do that for me after I told her that. I did not think anything of it as I had taped the envelope lip my self paid and left.

The fact he still had a videotape from almost 3 months ago and provided it to me leads me to believe that someone at UPS probably took my shit somewhere a long the line. I do wonder if his address is compromised and the delivery people know whats going down where it is delivered. Especially since in the video you can clearly hear him say sarcastically "another empty box at least it is on video you fuckin piece of shit". There was also a printed out label over the lip of the envelope that was never there when I left. She had placed on the front only. He started to offer me beans from his stash, but I am not out for free beans and if it was UPS and I drug his company through the mud for 3 months I do feel bad for that, but at the same time it took almost 3 months on his end to speak to me and get me that video. He's at fault for that, but I feel bad for small business and in this game your rep is everything. I also understand the ridiculousness of prohibition right now and having to micro manage everything as a business owner. I understand after speaking with him and thinking things through why his customer service sucks. You can't hire and trust people right now so he is forced to micro manage. It's the same position I am in to be honest in many ways. There is for sure fault on his side for the length of time it took to handle this, but I am not one to hold grudges. the order meant a lot to me. It was stuff no one else had at the time and some of it I will probably never be able to get again.

I am a reasonable person. I am not out to destroy anyone and I am the first person to give a hand up to someone beat down. It's just me. I am going to go through with my word to him and in the end I hope things settle on good terms. It will be great when prohibition bullshit is gone and we all can operate in a normal manner but right now it is what it is. I understand his part and he had an understanding of mine and why I was so fuckin mad. I am not a scammer. I have a long and good history with many people in this industry. The hand dealt was a shitty one this time and I want to move on.
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He wouldn't accept a money order? That's weird. I would venture to say that he got ratted out to his cc company because he pulled the same shit with someone else. That's assuming he's telling the truth. I know there's been quite a bit of rumor going around about him and his business practices. Seed swapping, ripping people off, "retiring" after being called out by several others including some big-time breeders... I was looking at ordering some seeds from him a couple years back, but after reading several bad reports went elsewhere. Sorry you had the misfortune of being taken by him.
Hey, I know he has a colorful history with whatever the instagram drama is that went down. I have no clue about any of that and if it wasn't stealing or something very morally wrong I don't care. I can tell you the video he sent me is 100% legit and i would post it if it didn't put innocent people at risk. I really think there is an issue with UPS near his end. As much as I want to blame that chick it's just too random the more I think about it. How would she even know to bother looking? I really think someone down the supply chain is stealing fuckin cash in the mail after speaking with him and seeing the video. I know people seem to hate this guy for various reasons and I have a reason to be upset over the length of time to solve this, but I really don't think it's him. Doing it on a large scale would ruin his company no doubt and the way he balked completely and his accusations of scamming makes me think people are getting robbed in the mail and he is thinking they are scammers. I will be asking him more questions in the future especially if it is just UPS this happens with...My money was in that package. I don't think any scammer would go the lengths I have. Most of those pos move onto the next target. They want the easy score. I think he really needs to evaluate the address he is getting the mail at and what service all the other empty packages are coming from? Clearly by his word mine wasn't the only one.

Just being objective me:

I am have been pretty public for months on this now. So far no one else has stepped up and accused him of stealing. Not here or instagram. Now maybe they don't do safe addresses right, but I have not even gotten a pm. Everyone just hates him for his past public stint on instagram whatever that was seems have been a huge PR error on his part. I have really thought about this now that my anger has cooled down. My benefit of the doubt still goes to him after all of it.
Didn't he delete posts you made on IG as well as block you? I would imagine if he did that it would have been done to others as well. Glad this is turning out positive for you. All that is a huge stress relief I am sure.
Yeah he did do those things. I definitely blew his instagram up as absolute last resort, but to be honest if I thought someone was trying to shake me down I'd have done the same thing. It took a lot of shaking the walls to try to get some answers which at the end of the day is all I wanted. The beans would be great but the answers or some sort of explanation gets it off my mind easier.

When we spoke it just really came off like he really thought I was a shake down. To the point where he was very hesitant to offer anything to me for the loss. He did not want to give me other breeders beans I had ordered since he did not know me and because it was hard for him to eat that loss and seemed to be willing to do his stash, but I cut it off there because that was not my interest. The offer was good enough for me. I am a stand up person as much as I can be and if he didn't do it and I did not feel he did after speaking he didn't owe me anything and shouldn't be his burden. If he wants to gift me sometime awesome, but I am not about that.

I don't want to sound like a broken record feel I keep repeating shit so I am going to leave what I have said at this post. His mannerisms and replies made me feel it was just a fucked up situation on both our ends. That is my gut feeling on it or I'd still be raging.
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Yeah he did do those things. I definitely blew his instagram up as absolute last resort, but to be honest if I thought someone was trying to shake me down I'd have done the same thing. It took a lot of shaking the walls to try to get some answers which at the end of the day is all I wanted. The beans would be great but the answers or some sort of explanation gets it off my mind easier.

When we spoke it just really came off like he really thought I was a shake down. To the point where he was very hesitant to offer anything to me for the loss. He did not want to give me other breeders beans I had ordered since he did not know me and because it was hard for him to eat that loss and seemed to be willing to do his stash, but I cut it off there because that was not my interest. The offer was good enough for me. I am a stand up person as much as I can be and if he didn't do it and I did not feel he did after speaking he didn't owe me anything and shouldn't be his burden. If he wants to gift me sometime awesome, but I am not about that.

I don't want to sound like a broken record feel I keep repeating shit so I am going to leave what I have said at this post. His mannerisms and replies made me feel it was just a fucked up situation on both our ends. That is my gut feeling on it or I'd still be raging.

Old thread but dude You’re a push over. Don’t let people walk all over you. It definitely wasn’t UPS but the GLO who stole your money…wtf are you shipping money orders with UPS for? Only ship USPS when it comes to money, money orders, seeds, thc..etc
I don’t even get tracking when I send my money orders for seeds and never had an issue but never used GLO. I go through breeders directly or jbc, seedsherenow, deeplyrootedseedbank, oregoneliteseedbank..I’m scared to try GLO. Some reports say they got 2-3 free packs in a 2 pack order..but a lot of negative too with GLO sounding like thieves with no customer service
Old thread but dude You’re a push over. Don’t let people walk all over you. It definitely wasn’t UPS but the GLO who stole your money…wtf are you shipping money orders with UPS for? Only ship USPS when it comes to money, money orders, seeds, thc..etc
I don’t even get tracking when I send my money orders for seeds and never had an issue but never used GLO. I go through breeders directly or jbc, seedsherenow, deeplyrootedseedbank, oregoneliteseedbank..I’m scared to try GLO. Some reports say they got 2-3 free packs in a 2 pack order..but a lot of negative too with GLO sounding like thieves with no customer service
I used GLO once, they took like 3 weeks to ship but i received my order.....i used a credit card though - I don't know why ppl trust sending cash to ANYONE.

The only one I trust wish cash (well, cashapp/paypal) is connoisseur genetics which is 100% worth it!
I’ve used glo several times but the last time it took months to get my stuff and when I did they had shipped all of my orders together so I knew they had just been sitting on it. I asked for a refund/credit on all the additional shipping I had been charged for every order but never heard back from them, won’t be using them ever again. They’ve got a lot of incredible deals but I’m not giving my money to anyone who treats their customers with such disdain.
I’ve used glo several times but the last time it took months to get my stuff and when I did they had shipped all of my orders together so I knew they had just been sitting on it. I asked for a refund/credit on all the additional shipping I had been charged for every order but never heard back from them, won’t be using them ever again. They’ve got a lot of incredible deals but I’m not giving my money to anyone who treats their customers with such disdain.

I've asked about this form of over charging as well as he has combined multiple separate orders of mine into 1 and still charged double shipping. Then he's also overcharged my regular order as well and any time I inquire about any of it he will not respond. He'll only respond if he thinks he's getting more money from you so it is very clear he reads your emails and chooses to ignore you and if he's done anything wrong or you even question anything, you as a customer will go into his ignore list.
Piece of shit got me, sent my first two orders. Now he won't reply to my emails after spending another 2k.

He fucked with the wrong dude. It won't be hard to find his physical address, I got his IP address in seconds. He wants to play games, let's see how long he lasts. And I will post his physical address not the shit Google maps shows.

Fucked up and tried ripping off the wrong guy
Piece of shit got me, sent my first two orders. Now he won't reply to my emails after spending another 2k.

He fucked with the wrong dude. It won't be hard to find his physical address, I got his IP address in seconds. He wants to play games, let's see how long he lasts. And I will post his physical address not the shit Google maps shows.

Fucked up and tried ripping off the wrong guy
How long since he got the funds? I paid on the 1st so I should be getting a tracking soon.
Thats if his "rona" hasn't backed things up again. Haha