Tripping With Rocks
Well-Known Member
Yeah he could have cut it open and taken the shit out of the side or something. Look I can keep this ball rolling but I have been angry for 3 months over this shit now and he gave me a video of the package being opened and we had decent conversation. One thing that doesn't make sense about him straight up robbing me is the fact this guy does have thousands of seeds of his own gear. It would not make sense for him to withhold that from me when he could have given me what he basically has infinity of to shut me up. I have been plastering his instagram and every forum for awhile now and he has known about it. I believe him because of this. I think he really thought I was a shake down.
One thing that stuck out to me in the video is when he opened it and it was completely fuckin empty no order form multiple sheets of paper or money, he said "another empty package". That started to make think maybe it was stolen closer to him like his UPS delivery guy knows where is delivering and knows a lot of cash is going through.
I think we have a way to find out where the money possibly went missing because he mentioned the weight of the package matched the weight of just the package posted on UPS label. That means someone may have printed out a new label after removing my fuckin money. I just want to know if we can narrow down to his UPS delivery person or the chick I mailed from. I have to drive through that town quite often throughout the year so I want paybacks if I can definitively pin it on someone.
All I know is my money was 1 million percent in that fuckin envelope and he produced the video from months ago he said he had so my benefit of the doubt definitely leans towards him at this point considering other things I have mentioned here. I shipped off my order to him today and we will see how the dust settles with this.
I'm confused.. did you buy a money order at a UPS mail center, then turn around and stuff it into an envelope right in front of the employee? How would she know that you were sending money? Why did you ship via UPS instead of USPS?
The fact that he's taping the opening of packages is sketchy enough, but him mentioning "another empty package" is a huge red flag. It's his responsibility to report thefts to the company that handles the packages, and he needs to also find another address to have mail sent to.