Ripper duty...whose standing guard?

It's mostly punk ass kids looking for a free score, at least in southern Ontario that is who is ripping crops, literally the last people anyone should want to shoot.
One of my good buddies is from the Chicago area, served and moved away but still says it is the best city in the world despite its problems.
Obviously he loves his city, but the facts say otherwise. Unfortunately Chicago is one of the most violent cities in America right now.. 50-70 People on average are shot weekly in Chicago. To me a nice city is one where you can visit ANY part of and legitimately not need to worry about getting shot, stabbed or robbed.
That's not my reality. We've had one shooting on this island in the past 80 years. That was a domestic incident. Gang shootings are a part of every major city and very seldom results in violence to the public.They shoot each other. A few innocents get caught up, but it is rare. IMHO it does not justify arming the masses.
My life is very different from yours, it appears, and I don't understand everything about city living, but city dwellers seem to forget that 90% of this country does not have these issues. Either elect more competent politicians who can perform their responsibilities of keeping the communities safe, or move. I don't know how anyone could enjoy city living anyway - the few times I ended up in Toronto, Edmonton and Calgary for jobs, the only thing that I thought about was getting out of the city. lol. I have never had to fight more than two cowards at once - and that was in high school in Ontario. I lost that battle, but I never thought about using a gun even if I had one.
Times change.... It may not be YOUR reality, but it is REALITY. The majority of canadians live in urban areas.
Veteran, owned plenty of guns
Never felt the need to post them on-line especially with a constant grow for decades
These threads always end up with someone thinking they get to be vigilantes
I would never shoot someone for attempting to rip my pot but I do understand, as a couple Morel mushroom thieves were considered prime targets over the years:peace:

See that is the thing, like plenty of my friends own guns and I have no problem with it. Actually, I am going to be taught to learn how to shoot by one of them. Its more of the microdick posting them online shit.

And yeah, its a big problem in Chicago and my hometown of Rockford. I mean I have been around for like 20 years, fuck there were kids carrying guns on phish tour out on the east coast but very rarely have I ever heard of a justified used of force coming from these weapons. They tend to hurt loved ones and family members.

I am a Social Worker, I have had clients shot dead. Have had to go over and hold children hours after they found out there dad got killed. I still have PTSD from this stuff.
Obviously he loves his city, but the facts say otherwise. Unfortunately Chicago is one of the most violent cities in America right now.. 50-70 People on average are shot weekly in Chicago. To me a nice city is one where you can visit ANY part of and legitimately not need to worry about getting shot, stabbed or robbed.

Nah Chicago is fine. You can get stabbed or killed just anywhere. There are some bad areas, but every place has those. Rockford, IL is actually more violent then Chicago.

Yes, its where Obama is from. Yes, Trump (who is a huge fucking liar if you haven't figured that out yet) talks about how scary it is because of all the brown people but its a beautiful and diverse place and we all get along.

Also, I live in Pilsen which apparently is one of the coolest neighborhoods in the world
Nah Chicago is fine. You can get stabbed or killed just anywhere. There are some bad areas, but every place has those. Rockford, IL is actually more violent then Chicago.

Yes, its where Obama is from. Yes, Trump (who is a huge fucking liar if you haven't figured that out yet) talks about how scary it is because of all the brown people but its a beautiful and diverse place and we all get along.

Also, I live in Pilsen which apparently is one of the coolest neighborhoods in the world
I got a cousin in Aurora and he hates it! His wife is American with major health issues and Canada won't let her move here without a shitload of cash.
Lately in Toronto a lot of gun violence. It is mostly a psyop to get us to relinquish our rights. As long as our democracy does not overly value cities in terms of geographic vote, they will never steal our gun rights. The UN and other chartered organizations have a mandate to disarm us. In China if you are a Muslim in the Uyghur region of China and you buy a kitchen knife, your name is stamped on the blade. Everything they do is recorded and monitored by AI algorithms and government. Give up your arms. Welcome your future.

See that is the thing, like plenty of my friends own guns and I have no problem with it. Actually, I am going to be taught to learn how to shoot by one of them. Its more of the microdick posting them online shit.

And yeah, its a big problem in Chicago and my hometown of Rockford. I mean I have been around for like 20 years, fuck there were kids carrying guns on phish tour out on the east coast but very rarely have I ever heard of a justified used of force coming from these weapons. They tend to hurt loved ones and family members.

I am a Social Worker, I have had clients shot dead. Have had to go over and hold children hours after they found out there dad got killed. I still have PTSD from this stuff.
I got a cousin in Aurora and he hates it! His wife is American with major health issues and Canada won't let her move here without a shitload of cash.

Aurora fucking sucks, its not Chicago. I went to grad school there. Actually, Aurora isn't that bad. White people in Aurora complain about the latinos and its annoying. I tend to date latinas and hang out with latino dudes and was totally accepted.

Frankly, we all won the genetic lottery, if we live in the US or Canada. We are for more likely to be born in the third world. I grew up playing hockey and spent plenty of time there. I would move there if I could, they tend to hire and sponsor social workers so I have a chance.
Lol got a case of Ostrich syndrome eh?

It provides a lot more information than the one you provided, hardly a case of ostrich syndrome. The only thing that the tribune shares that is not shown on heyjackass is the names of victims, heyjackass is pure stats.

You didn't click the link to see that it is a legit site did you ?
Aurora fucking sucks, its not Chicago. I went to grad school there. Actually, Aurora isn't that bad. White people in Aurora complain about the latinos and its annoying. I tend to date latinas and hang out with latino dudes and was totally accepted.

Frankly, we all won the genetic lottery, if we live in the US or Canada. We are for more likely to be born in the third world. I grew up playing hockey and spent plenty of time there. I would move there if I could, they tend to hire and sponsor social workers so I have a chance.
I've never been south of the border, so I have no personal knowledge of Chicago or any other US city other than what I've heard. I've lived in some shit holes up here and all of them had some positives. You are right in that we won the lottery, but I think Canadians hit the jackpot and the American's got a subsidiary prize...but I'm biased. lol
Rain has been the biggest issue here. But in Mass it's a lot warmer, but the bud rot is no less real. We've not given much thought to rippers. Our closest neighbors are all pretty chill. Are they odd AF in their own ways...yes. Bad

Good luck to anyone else still hoping for good weather and avoidance of thievery.
