Rippers came this morning

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
Will, how many heads have you blown off?....
i dont even own a gun lol... but i promise you this, if i did own a gun, and i saw people fucking around my shit, i would blast first ask later. maybe even drag those fuckers in the house so it looks like they broke in. (i probably shouldnt get a gun)


Well-Known Member
I come to this site A LOT for opinions and info on growing but just now finally created an account to post. Let me start off by saying we are fairly new to Michigan and still getting our feet wet with growing our own mmj. Last year we had a small greenhouse that got a late start with about 8 plants in it. They weren't spectacular, but damn they were pretty. Rippers came and took all of it but a plant and a half with 3 weeks to a month of flowering still to go. I blame it on our own ignorance. Dogs were inside. Didn't hear a thing. We assumed we were safe since nobody knew us or about our grow, or so we thought. This greenhouse is about 8 feet from our house btw. This year we have 2 greenhouses, his and mine. We have already fought so much and won against all types of attacks against our plants. An attempted theft when our plants were still in pots in veg, bugs, powdery mildew, and even a knock on the door from the state police with a compliance check. After all that, and TONS of hours of hard work, our plants are big, beautiful, and oh so stinky and so close to being done. Well it appears that somebody out there is trying to reap the benefits of all OUR hard work again this year. My old man, bless his heart, stays up every night babysitting these greenhouses, sometimes with help, sometimes by himself, and always with our 2 dogs and our pup in training. This morning, at about 3:15am, he heard voices. Then a rock got thrown at our fence, I'm assuming to test the dogs. My man shot off our 22 into the air and listened to them run away down our driveway, 3 of them he thinks. Last year they came through the woods. This year walked right up the damn driveway. I guess I have 2 reasons for posting our story.....1) To put it out there to let the rest of you know the rippers are out and so are their balls. Guard what you worked your asses off for. (This is Muskegon/Oceana county area btw.) 2) I'm looking for any advice on what more we can do, within the limits of the law, to keep these scum sucking thieving bastards from getting us again. All suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.
Sorry for your loss bro. Get some "beware of dog" signs around your property. Make sure the dogs can actually protect the perimeter (keep them outside during the summer). I can almost betcha dogs would have presented a serious deterrent for the bastards. Good luck to you !!


Well-Known Member
In KY its not uncommon to find treble hooks hanging neck height. Or hooks at leg level dipped in feces to cause infection. Pungy pits. Coffee can mines. In my years of hunting I have seen all kinds of crazy shit when walking up on a patch.

Sugar Mag

Active Member
Sorry for your loss bro. Get some "beware of dog" signs around your property. Make sure the dogs can actually protect the perimeter (keep them outside during the summer). I can almost betcha dogs would have presented a serious deterrent for the bastards. Good luck to you !!
Plenty of Beware of Dog and No Trespassing signs around the property and greenhouses. Dogs stay out the majority of each day and are out all night and have been since the plants went out. Just wish it was harvest time already and we didn't have to worry about these little punks. Little bitches who are too dumb to grow their own shit.


Well-Known Member
I do know of a local grower that caught 2 guys in his greenhouse and held them there at gunpoint until the state troopers showed up to arrest them. The tropper said now that he was aware of the legal grow at that location he'd keep an eye out for anything strange in the area (He lived near by) and good job on detaining them.

I tend to believe that Doublejj's right in the fact that if you use deadly force in the commission of securing your federally illegal crop. You would be up shit creek. He is correct that a plant isn't worth someone's life.

I would still defend my family though if people came onto my property with guns looking to do my family harm in order to steal my crop. Knowing full well I'd go to jail (but my family would be alive).


Well-Known Member
Plenty of Beware of Dog and No Trespassing signs around the property and greenhouses. Dogs stay out the majority of each day and are out all night and have been since the plants went out. Just wish it was harvest time already and we didn't have to worry about these little punks. Little bitches who are too dumb to grow their own shit.
I agree. I had a lemon kush female stolen by some punk ass motherfuckers (tree-trimmers) early this year. Had they asked, i might have given them some seeds, but the little cunt-lips just ripped it out of the ground. Stupid ass mofos, it prolly died on them on the way back to their underground shit-hole they call home. Get a firearm and some non-lethal rounds. As much as I (we) would like to just make an example out of these fuckers, non-lethal will save you some legal troubles, should you have to bust a few rounds is someone's ASS !! - May the force be with you, my friends :peace: