Rippers...... Unmasked

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I confronted the dude who ripped me when I was a kid,(sellin buds I frew no less) my buddy and I 1whupped his ass proper 2broke his phone 3dropped him off in the middle of NOWHERE. good times I cought a beating from his boys but It was worth it.

Good for you man. In all honestly its the right thing to do. Now im only 26, im not that old, and where im from ppl didnt always have guns and knives and shit. We had a problem, we fought it out, and guess what, it was resolved and later we were drinking. The difference with today is people pull gunz because most often they are PUSSIES and dont want to get a good ol fashioned ass kicking. Now in some circumstances i understand for you all in the states (im canadian) with gun laws and shit most people are packing, so you kinda need a gun, but just dont pull your shit out or bring a knife to a fight that fucking pisses me right off, fight like a fucking man you know, especially the younger gen's these days, always brining knives and guns to skool and shit. Would you rather get your ass kicked in a fight or have your ass raped in jail for 20 years??

But to end my rant here lol i think its really good dude you posted this TWAT's pic up, people who pray on the sick really are fucked up people, to pray and prosper of the sick or elderly really gets my blood going, props to you bro may karma bless you.
Too bad you didnt know when he was in your truck, slammin his head off the dash would of been really nice i bet.

Sorry for gettin a lil hot but shit these days just piss me off, 6 year olds bring gunz to skool and shit, what the fuck is that? they should be watching fucking sponge bob and shit you know!
LOL...signature infamy!

I've been collecting RIU quotes for a long time, but I keep the code so when I finally post my anthology of unforgettable RIUisms as a thread they'll all be properly credited. Of course, so many things people say around here are sig-worthy. . .

Im in the santa barbara/so cal area and if I see that little fuckin weasel im gonna give him a proper "fucking up". Just looking at that picture makes me wanna knock his fucken teeth out.
the guy kinda looks like a buddy of mine. good thing we are east coast. Also good thing NO1 knows about my grow ecxept for you guys.
I confronted the dude who ripped me when I was a kid,(sellin buds I frew no less) my buddy and I 1whupped his ass proper 2broke his phone 3dropped him off in the middle of NOWHERE. good times I cought a beating from his boys but It was worth it.

halarious, guess you should have dropped him off further away.:bigjoint:
This whole post is just sad. It reminds of something my father always said.

"You lie with dogs you're going to get fleas"

You hang out with thugs carrying guns then you're going to encounter some very unsavory people. I don't feel sorry for anyone involved.
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