Well-Known Member
Fuck those people, You didnt show anything I dont see everyday at the gym, except those people should be wearing sweats, if you get my drift, Wow, Thank You, and You are one beautiful woman that anyone on here would be greatfull to be SEEN with.
As for Autism, The people on here that try to bring people down are the A-holes that lied their way into a medical card, or are for some reason jealous of those of use who need it, BLOCK those jerks remember the rest of us love you
I love you too! Thanks. Actually, when my mother found out I smoked I considered telling her about all the research going on into marijuana and autism. I certainly have far fewer little 'meltdowns'. I feel like things slow down just enough so I can process sensory information more efficiently. Even the angles of buildings outside make me feel phyically uncomfortable if the intersecting lines from their projecting edges cross eachother a certain way. It just makes me feel... Urgh...
And Urca, If only you were over here. We coukd have fun smoking times x