Riu convention


Junior Creatologist
if your gonna -rep my fuckin shit you should at least have the balls to fuckin say who you are you spineless piece of shit. Thanks for that though. i fully understand how you would be THAT opposed to meeting other growers - i mean, if i was using my closet for keepin all my drag clothes in it rather than growin, i wouldnt wanna get together with other people either. Dont worry dude, we wont tell nobody that your the dude that goes around grabbin peoples nuts when your high....i respect your lifestyle choice. Grow a fuckin backbone, n -rep people that actually merit bein -rep'd.


Junior Creatologist
I agree with gogrow the convention is starting off too big we should definitely start smaller.

me too im in ohio

im in ohio too - n even a smaller meet could be done no problem - the place is privately owned. Aint nobody in ohio ever heard of Nelsons Ledges???


Well-Known Member
i think in order to have a successful convention for RIU you need to have more then one. there should be a small convention for different areas across the usa and canada. once we can successfully have the smaller ones then we can organize a much bigger one


Junior Creatologist
i think in order to have a successful convention for RIU you need to have more then one. there should be a small convention for different areas across the usa and canada. once we can successfully have the smaller ones then we can organize a much bigger one
im only 3 hours away from the canadian border so im down for whatever man.

nope cant say i have but id be down for a small meeting where u at
im in the dayton area
im only like 45 mins away from where your at.


Junior Creatologist
for now it aint goin down, lol. not til a bunch of us can get our heads on right n figure out a way to make it happen. If your in jersey near pa your like what - 5 hours away from ohio then? well, if your ever in the area, message me if you get the chance n ill get u hip to Disneyland for Stoners. not EuroDisney, but Disneyland, straight up.


Well-Known Member
haha sounds good. ya ohio isnt to far. ill make my way over there eventually and ill be sure to let ya know

lets get this damn convention going!


Well-Known Member
Yeah sounds good I would be up for doing something like that but would have to plan plenty of time ahead so people could travel. That sounds kill. Could pull it off if someone would take charge and let them do it......


sorry kludge... didnt mean to be such a prick this morning.... i was in a shitty mood and your comment really struck me wrong for some reason..... i'll keep you in mind and give you a positive rep whenever i can.... i'll smoke a joint if i meet you at one of these conventions


Well-Known Member
im in ohio too - n even a smaller meet could be done no problem - the place is privately owned. Aint nobody in ohio ever heard of Nelsons Ledges???

Yep. My dad used to race there from time to time. Havent been there in about 15 years though.