RIU Friday Dance Party

Oh yeah! i remember that one. Just forgot about the remote jamming part. Did yo see the one where they bought him a truck? Throws similar fit. Maybe he has Aspergers.

PS I remember the look of glee on his brother's face in the WWC one before filming the meltdown. Priceless
Yeah kid definitely has some problems!

Pretty damn funny though. :)



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This is what I'm dancing to right now. Give it a minute. @tyler.durden did I post this for you already? Do you know this guy? poser or real deal?

He can play, his intonation is great and that's hard enough on the violin. He's playing an electric with tons of effects, that's helps him sound good, on an acoustic I don't think you'd be as blown away by him. He's no virtuoso like Rob Landes -

My buddy Paul is an incredible violinist that does a lot of modern stuff, too. Here he is years ago with a DJ -
