High horseOh please. Show me one country in the world that isn't going through a similar schism. Well, there are some, but you know what I mean. Get down off your high horse.

Btw, I acknowledge the UK is also run by a load of idiots too! + the royal family are a bunch of stuck up inbreds! lmao I ain't on a high horse pal!
Politics doesn't interest me in the slightest, just had to make the point that you are choosing between dog shit and cat shit!!!
I mean seriously... Can you not see that?
You lot get so involved with it all! Take your kids ot the park instead of sitting at home on politics threads! Go play some sport or something! Go for a walk in the country! Make love to your wife..! Man the list goes on. Have a wank, that's more fun than discussing these 2 political idiots!
Sitting round all day talking about politics is a big waste of time