• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

RIU poll Trump VS Clinton


Well-Known Member
What your witnessing in the democratic party is a " do over " if you will of the extreme far left radicals who pushed for socialism in USA in the 60's & 70's,the whole "white privledge" theory is the brain child of the far left terrorist Bill Ayes,who I met in 69 at the U of M,it failed 50 years ago just like its petering out now & failing ,people of any color can only stand so much pure BS before they leave the party & fight against the party .

I voted for Ronald Regan to put this anti US shit to bed & so did millions of democrats like me who are moderate ( sensible ) people,I've left the democratic party again & am voting Trump & so are the same millions who voted Regan,the democratic party once again has lost support of "the people" and is propped up by oligarchs,anti american radicals & finally the social justice warrior wackos,this poll takn at an extremely liberal site that's full of the most radical & vile social justice warriors,yet Trump carries a wide lead is a true poll & more trustworthy than any media poll .

Take comfort knowing the only way Ka Ka Ka Klnton can win is by staging an outright election theft,the popular vote will be a landslide for Trump & Hillary will have to once again rely on the support of the oligarchs who control the electoral college to steal the election.

The social justice warriors have caused such a division, with Obama at the helm,the backlash from an election going against the popular vote will destroy our election system forever,and create even deeper hatred of the SJW clowns .

Was this before or after you did five years in prison? Because I'm trying to keep all your lies in chronological order . thanks


Well-Known Member
Actually, he lays it out much like a business plan.

He has given pure policy speeches and has pages of policies on his webpage.
Plan to spend some time working on this:“The failure immediately to discontinue solicitation and to file information and reports” with the charities bureau, Mr. Sheehan said, “shall be deemed a fraud upon the people of the state of New York.”

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Suckit wing nuts. While you guys rub each others nuts or in Pies case her nethers, most voters in this country look at your paragon of orange virtue and wonder if you are liars are just stupid. The last paragraph is pointed right at your silly assed paid for propaganda induced crazed wingnut idea of who Hillary Clinton is. You wing nuts are just tools and I look forward to your weeping for the next eight years of a Clinton presidency.

Texas Newspaper Destroys The Myth That Hillary Clinton Is The Lesser Of Two Evils

A Texas newspaper hasn’t just endorsed Hillary Clinton. The Corpus Christi Caller-Times destroyed the media created myth that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are equals, but that Clinton is the lesser of two evils.

In their endorsement the editorial board of the Caller-Times wrote:

She is not, as has been sold, a mere lesser of two evils. Her experience and intellect would make her a standout in any group of candidates. Like President Obama said and didn’t need to be fact-checked, she’s more qualified than him or her husband.


Being the only serious alternative is both Clinton’s fortune and misfortune. It increases the likelihood of victory, but also of presiding over a nation with large groups of dissidents. While voting against her can be a statement of differing principle, voting for Trump would not rise to that level. It’s not a vote for Republicanism. The Republican Party’s principles and standards are beyond Trump’s reach.

Hillary Clinton is not the lesser of two evils. She has never been. When one examines the facts, there is no contest between Clinton and Trump. Donald Trump has a real rap sheet that should disqualify him from being president. Hillary Clinton’s “crimes” are conspiracy theories that have been cooked up by the conservative media’s anti-Clinton conspiracy cottage industry that has spent decades as a robust source of profit for conservative authors and media.
Lol " a Texas newspaper" as if newspapers are even relevant anymore,every paper in the USA loses money as a business & is only kept alive as a propaganda tool.

I'll cut through all that BS you posted with a quick response,Hillary isn't " the lessor of 2 evils",she is the face of crony capitalism,she is the personification of evil,her evil deeds are backed up by decades of corruption,theft of public & private funds,extortion,murder & state sanctioned destabilization of a hemisphere .

Hillary Clinton is a puppet who whores herself out to whomever is willing to pay,and thousands of her emails released by wiki leaks prove she's the number 1 enemy of america .

Your entire support of one candidate over another is based on pure social justice warrior rhetoric.


Well-Known Member
Lol " a Texas newspaper" as if newspapers are even relevant anymore,every paper in the USA loses money as a business & is only kept alive as a propaganda tool.

I'll cut through all that BS you posted with a quick response,Hillary isn't " the lessor of 2 evils",she is the face of crony capitalism,she is the personification of evil,her evil deeds are backed up by decades of corruption,theft of public & private funds,extortion,murder & state sanctioned destabilization of a hemisphere .

Hillary Clinton is a puppet who whores herself out to whomever is willing to pay,and thousands of her emails released by wiki leaks prove she's the number 1 enemy of america .

Your entire support of one candidate over another is based on pure social justice warrior rhetoric.

It's funny hearing a liar like you question one's credability. Tell us more about your tatoos you got in prison,Punk.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Please let other people raise your child. It will be for the best.
You mean like allowing a social justice warrior to raise her child?
I'd be willing to bet pies kids end up 100x more able to cope with life than any child raised by a social justice warrior.

Psychiatry has had to invent a whole new category of fucked up for the children of millennial sjw's like this mess of a kid .

That's the mess you end up with from career moms & dead beat dads .


Well-Known Member
I have read bits of mein kamph. Hitler was a racist. He saw jews as vile money manipulators (for taking out loans and repaying their debts), propagandists (jews ran a newspaper or two) and corrupters of germany. He also opposed having a parliment style system of government. He felt that a dictatorship was more practical.

He admired islam for their efforts to suppress jews and they even worked together for the goal of irradicating judaism.

He was an angry, racist, and evil man.

Most of the country was not even aware of the concentration camps until after the war.

Hitler loved democratic socialism. He used it to advance his career.
Yeah I never read his book. Lol

But all religions that stem from Judaism are bunch of genocidal bastards the world really would be a much better place had that religion never started. Just for thinking the world is round was a death sentence even sex before marriage.

I did hear the Jews were behind the whole Soviet Union which Stalin was way worse than Hitler. But yeah killing all Jews is just retarded now kill all religious leaders and the armies who try and stop it that I could have got behind. But today we don't even need to kill for that as the world's fastest growing religion is no religion.:) I do kind of believe in an after life or maybe it's just hope lol but I don't believe a single religion some are more respectable. Like to say if you don't worship Jesus Christ you will go to hell please Jesus never visited the America's not to mention Asia which has several religions and many good people. Shit the Native Americans used to be the most peaceful people on Earth the 10 commandments are common sense.


Well-Known Member
your right,they either get into a fight every time they open their blow holes,or they dummy up & look at their shoes as they slink past .

you can smell the white privledge on these guys because people who've spent any time on the streets don't talk like that,we know we'd get shot in the face .

Oh your so tough lol. Show us your big house tatoos liar.


Well-Known Member
A question I've been meaning to ask buck but you'll do just as good.

Exactly how many fist fights have you been in as an adult ?

Be honest too !
I'll bet I've been in many more than you, sweetpea.....I've served three rounds of probation for various assaults and have done some heinous things to people in physical combat, some of which still trouble my sleep to this day.

What about you, county jail punk?

Also, nice 'thinly veiled' physical threat, dummy.....you gonna be offering to "meet up" and asking for addresses like that other dumb fuck? Get over yourself, chiquita -- You know full well that you squirreled your way through via Newports, Buglers, and getting your asshole and throat blown out...


Well-Known Member
He has laid out all his policies in great detail.
youre a fucking moron. Did you assist in his titties policy?

AP: “Apprentice” cast and crew say Trump was lewd and sexist
In his years as a reality TV boss on “The Apprentice,” Donald Trump repeatedly demeaned women with sexist language, according to show insiders who said he rated female contestants by the size of their breasts and talked about which ones he’d like to have sex with.

Could that be the secret management metrics which lead to billion dollar losses?