RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

I have black pride so why can't a white person take pride in their whiteness? It's not like you can change skins if you're not proud of your skin you should jump off the tallest building in theory you have a soul and I believe you won't have a color.
do you consider it snitching if i saw a racist post on facebook, noticed that the racist listed his employer, and then contacted his employer and made them aware of his racism on social media, thereby getting him fired?

because that is what i did. and it seems to have really pissed off the guy with the neo-nazi tattoos.
Certainty on the borderline of a rat but definitely a snitch. Seems like you would most certainly be a rat if the DEA pinched you so you can stay free as Uncle Buck Race Warrior!!
i'd tell you to post a picture, but i've seen them already. so please don't, mrs, piggy.


look at the hypocrite social justice warrior who snitches on people who offend him with " words " now using words to body shame a female member ,selective hypocritical ethics of a social justice warrior exposed .

shut it up snitch !
But ain't we all part of the human race just come in all different shapes, sizes and colors? Calling people racist is a colorist ideology. Lol
look at the hypocrite social justice warrior who snitches on people who offend him with " words " now using words to body shame a female member ,selective hypocritical ethics of a social justice warrior exposed .

shut it up snitch !

so you're not OK with degrading women based on their looks but you're voting for trump?

post a picture of your neo-nazi tattoo.
But ain't we all part of the human race just come in all different shapes, sizes and colors?

Quoted for truth right here..

I cast vote in this poll for Clinton. At least she accepts the reality of human induced climate change, even if she has weak ass policies in regards to fracking. At least she's on THIS plant. IRL, I missed my window to register to vote in my new home of Colorado (I think anyway), so no vote cast for me for this presidential election.
so you're not OK with degrading women based on their looks but you're voting for trump?

post a picture of your neo-nazi tattoo.
Trump only degrades people who insult him first.
Btw I am totally ok with him not being attracted to me.

I'm down with the mocha.
your criteria is the very definition of an informant .

when your feelings get hurt you snitch :lol:

killer anti sjw jam for ya

You should have warned us that you were going to whine about being oppressed you poor widdle oppressed white man. That video sums up white pride entitlement perfectly. Nobody is protecting your entitlement to the best jobs, best education, best seats in the house. Oh poor oppressed white guy.


Too funny that.
I say, if you had traveled the early 1960's Jim Crow south as I did...you would be far less likely to call the removal of a racist, 'snitching'.
I can agree that people can be totally ignorant with their views on race, but also will say that they also have a right to express their beliefs..

I think that their are a lot of racist assholes out there, but turning in a rapest and turning in a red neck to his job are not even close to the same.