RIU poll Trump VS Clinton


Well-Known Member
I have a hobby, I also have a job, how bout you?
Yeah, I can see your hobby - Attempting to harass the good folks of RIU and dreaming of UB's cock.

A job? Nah, I'm independently wealthy.
How about you, though? Still working third shift at Burger World, or? Do you have TIME for jobs, though, between ratting on people like a whiny little bitch in your shitty thread and attending "white appreciation" rallies?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I can see your hobby - Attempting to harass the good folks of RIU and dreaming of UB's cock.

A job? Nah, I'm independently wealthy.
How about you, though? Still working third shift at Burger World, or? Do you have TIME for jobs, though, between ratting on people like a whiny little bitch in your shitty thread and attending "white appreciation" rallies?
stop with this "us" "we" and "good folks", my god your shit gets old.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I can see your hobby - Attempting to harass the good folks of RIU and dreaming of UB's cock.

A job? Nah, I'm independently wealthy.
How about you, though? Still working third shift at Burger World, or? Do you have TIME for jobs, though, between ratting on people like a whiny little bitch in your shitty thread and attending "white appreciation" rallies?
This is why I won't do this childish shit anymore.....you will hack on him for Snitching but not your own people....

I had fun, but I'm out.


Well-Known Member
Suckit wing nuts. While you guys rub each others nuts or in Pies case her nethers, most voters in this country look at your paragon of orange virtue and wonder if you are liars are just stupid. The last paragraph is pointed right at your silly assed paid for propaganda induced crazed wingnut idea of who Hillary Clinton is. You wing nuts are just tools and I look forward to your weeping for the next eight years of a Clinton presidency.

Texas Newspaper Destroys The Myth That Hillary Clinton Is The Lesser Of Two Evils

A Texas newspaper hasn’t just endorsed Hillary Clinton. The Corpus Christi Caller-Times destroyed the media created myth that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are equals, but that Clinton is the lesser of two evils.

In their endorsement the editorial board of the Caller-Times wrote:

She is not, as has been sold, a mere lesser of two evils. Her experience and intellect would make her a standout in any group of candidates. Like President Obama said and didn’t need to be fact-checked, she’s more qualified than him or her husband.


Being the only serious alternative is both Clinton’s fortune and misfortune. It increases the likelihood of victory, but also of presiding over a nation with large groups of dissidents. While voting against her can be a statement of differing principle, voting for Trump would not rise to that level. It’s not a vote for Republicanism. The Republican Party’s principles and standards are beyond Trump’s reach.

Hillary Clinton is not the lesser of two evils. She has never been. When one examines the facts, there is no contest between Clinton and Trump. Donald Trump has a real rap sheet that should disqualify him from being president. Hillary Clinton’s “crimes” are conspiracy theories that have been cooked up by the conservative media’s anti-Clinton conspiracy cottage industry that has spent decades as a robust source of profit for conservative authors and media.
Yeah, the Clintons never were forced to return items they stole from the Whitehouse, never had to re-hire the Whitehouse travel office staff they illegally fired, Bengazi never happened, none of the myriads of offenses actually occurred. As Hillary said, it's all a vast right wing conspiracy, until the cum stained blue dress surfaced.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the Clintons never were forced to return items they stole from the Whitehouse, never had to re-hire the Whitehouse travel office staff they illegally fired, Bengazi never happened, none of the myriads of offenses actually occurred. As Hillary said, it's all a vast right wing conspiracy, until the cum stained blue dress surfaced.
Bro if you're currently masturbating good decorum dictates that it is private time. Now go stroke, privately, with your people.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the Clintons never were forced to return items they stole from the Whitehouse, never had to re-hire the Whitehouse travel office staff they illegally fired, Bengazi never happened, none of the myriads of offenses actually occurred. As Hillary said, it's all a vast right wing conspiracy, until the cum stained blue dress surfaced.
Poor sad Red, obsessing about the Clintons and things that never really happened, tsk tsk tsk.....SEE kids? This is what happens to demented old white folks that feed on fox 'news' and meth!