RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

Fuck your wife. She is clearly as delusional and as racist as you, old man.
This is why your not getting any more sweet manluvin' from me.
You've....you've changed.

Now pay for last time. I need it for a duplex down payment.
Let's not get lawyers involved or it costs you 2X as much and I get nothing after legal costs.
carry on buck & scroungy little pinworm too,what you aren't smart enough to realize is this,every sub human tirade you throw against peoples family's only exposes this entire site for its true reason to exist & drives people away from " your cause",the hard core trolls like pinworm will giggle n snort but the decent members are horrified at what your allowed to do here.

every rotten post you make wakes another member up & that member will leave riu despising social justice warriors,while you wish my wife more pain & agony she lives thru everyday I will always be respectful of your wife & family.
Please just shut the fuck up, gramps. You are repeating yourself. :sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep:
NeoCon war mongers in love




Carter was a doofus but at least he was not a war monger.

How many people did they murder in phony wars over the past 28 + years with the other war monger Obama? 2 million? 3 million? Probably $10 trillion stolen from the American people.
<gratuitous dicpic>
i will delete it, rolli.
You must pray for moments like this.
This has the validity of a Craigslist Casual Encounters post reply and the decorum/taste as well.
It kinda screams DISEASED!

You didn't think I knew about the Craigslist thing, eh?

On the lotto winning chances that this is true, how sad and pathetic is posting a picture of "your" dick?
The wife not willing to look at it anymore?
You must pray for moments like this.
This has the validity of a Craigslist Casual Encounters post reply and the decorum/taste as well.
It kinda screams DISEASED!

You didn't think I knew about the Craigslist thing, eh?

On the lotto winning chances that this is true, how sad and pathetic is posting a picture of "your" dick?
The wife not willing to look at it anymore?
That was actually my cock. I know, I know. BUT IT WAS COLD THAT DAY!
decent members with neo-nazi tattoos?

hey, chew on this: hillary clinton is more likely to win texas than trump is to win pennsylvania.

and trump has no path to winning without pennsylvania.

is it setting in yet? the reality you are facing? has it set in?

kinda don't have time to play your game right now being my wife is writhing in agony & needs to to watch her until the Dilaudid I just administered her takes effect on her pain .

Maybe you'd like a quick 3 or 4 minute video of her squirming all over the sofa doubling up in severe nerve pain,you'd get a big kick watching her hands clench white & her legs shake while her head drips sweat,you'd have material to degrade her for months.

Want a video of her pain so you can see 1st fucking hand what you laugh at ? she's out of it right now & wouldn't even know & I'd bet anything you'd make great fun of her pain .

Every rotten post you make you drive people away from voting democrat .