Riu - racism and hatecrime in newbie area

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Wow the early 90's called and wants its "N" word conflict back...did you just hear the word nigga? Ever heard a rap song? You don't get those in Australia? I am blazed off my face that's why!
I ain't got no respect
For people that are politically correct
They say that we got rights and we need em
But there taken away all of our freedom
First they outlaw dope
Now in California you cant even light up a fuckin smoke
I say its high time we go wild
Murder your inner child
Throw your helmet in a dumpster go to school in gang attire
Let Beavis and Butthead preach to the youth about fire

Fuck you that's why...

I think Pete Wilson should be killed
He's the homosexual that signed the helmet bill
He doesn't give a fuck about your education
He just wants to tie you up with binding legislation
He hangs with Richard Floyd
They spend every day sucking each others hemorrhoid
I say its high time we go wild
Castrate your inner child
Throw your helmet in a dumpster go to school in gang attire
Let Beavis and Butthead preach to the youth about fire

Fuck you that's why...

I know bill Clinton thinks we can't be trusted
Half of us are unemployed the other half are busted
We don't deserve any dignity or freedom
Where the fuck is Lee Harvey Oswald when we need him
Eliminate the liberal faction
Abolish affirmative action
I say its high time go wild
Waste your inner child
Throw your helmet in a dumpster go to school in gang attire
Let Beavis and butthead preach to the youth about fire

Fuck you that's why...
Sometimes it's all about context:

Looky here, fella, you jerk off to some Baywatch and you think you understand American culture? If your next trip has you paranoid about your ignorant ramblings here, it served you well.
Nuns in Heaven

A bus full of nuns crashes and unfortunately they all die . At the
gates of heaven they meet St Peter

he asks the first nun "Have you ever had any contact with a penis? The
nun replies "I poked one once" St Peter says "wash your finger in this
holy water and enter heaven"

He asks the next nun the same question, she replies "I fondled with
one once". "Wash your hand in this holy water and enter heaven"

Then St Peter hears a commotion among the other nuns and one nun
pushes to the front

"What's wrong?" he asks

The nun replies "if I'm going to have to gargle that holy water, I
want to do it before Sister Anne washes her ass in it"
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