Niggers, Spics, Jews, Arabs, and all sorts of chinks stink! And I hate 'em. You better not be one of them pillow bitin homo sexuals. Go back down under. Woogie Boogie.
You play your character so well, I am impressed.
Niggers, Spics, Jews, Arabs, and all sorts of chinks stink! And I hate 'em. You better not be one of them pillow bitin homo sexuals. Go back down under. Woogie Boogie.
Agreed, OP from Australia? Then my following question would be: "are Aboriginees offended by the term Niggaz"?
Niggers, Spics, Jews, Arabs, and all sorts of chinks stink! And I hate 'em. You better not be one of them pillow bitin homo sexuals. Go back down under. Woogie Boogie.
One of the funniest comedy sketches of all time.
I'm racist against goats. Fuck you Shannon.
Looky here, fella, you jerk off to some Baywatch and you think you understand American culture? If your next trip has you paranoid about your ignorant ramblings here, it served you well.
Looky here, fella, you jerk off to some Baywatch and you think you understand American culture? If your next trip has you paranoid about your ignorant ramblings here, it served you well.
I'm shutting down RIU right now! Fuck you guys