Riu - racism and hatecrime in newbie area

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i have reported the post, taken a time stamped screen shot, and digitally authenticated it.

I post this here, as im under the impression this is where the admins "hang"



calling people niggerz.


DO NOT overview this warning, remove that post or i WILL report it. (obviously not to RIU)

I find this shit EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE, what the hell did MARTIN LUTHAR KING DIE FOR?!?! if you allow this type of BULLSHIT to occur on your forums.

I have an african american nephew, i am caucasion... i am in disbeliefe that ANYONE could find it acceptable to use that language.

i dont give 2 fucks if its acceptable in your terms or use, it is agianst the GENEVA CONVENTION and AMERICAN FEDERAL LAW.

If you do not remove it, i will remove RIU, this time, you wont be restoring from a backup. This site has NUMEROUS security flaws.

FBI takes hatecrimes very seriously, and love the media exposure they provide, im sure they would love to run with "Website condones racism"

This is exactly the type of behaviour giving medical marijuana and forums a bad name, people blazed off their face, unable to engage the brain, before the mouth.

Do something about this, you have 24 hours.

I am obviously from AUSTRALIA where the word NIGGER refers to Aboringines, whom had the same treatment as African-americans. In our area of the world, say "Nigger" and you get arrested, It is one of the few things YOU DO NOT SAY IN AUSTRALIA. This is not im opinions, it is international and Australian Law.

My Geneva convention rights (everyone has a right to a "non offensive" and "safe" enviroment) are being breached by allowing this post to remain.

ban hammer
this will be a good read.

No im not, when you run a website exposed to the international community, international laws trump local laws thus, whats unnacceptable in my country, HELL whats unnacceptable INTERNATIONALLY, and your trying to say that i have no right to be offended?

Glad to see nothing has changed since MLK died.

disregard this post, Shannon Alexander feels he has the authority to speak on behalf of the RIU admins.

You lost RIU once, i even looked into what was exploited to do so, security flaw still hasnt been patched.

Admins know this,

I apologise to being ANTI-RACISM, im sorry that you find the word "NIGGER" acceptable... especially when used in the context BMEAT used it in. I have no weed, but even if i did, id still be horribly offended.
I will be making noise over this. simply because i cant be the only person who finds racism 100% unnacceptable.
No I do not believe that, Don't take your misguided frustration out on me.

What I believe is that I have the authority as a member of this forum to speak as a human being and say that I am offended as a person that you would take offense to what you have taken offense to... I couldn't read nigger in there... I saw Nigga... but no nigger... I might be high and have missed the writing of nigger in the other thread but I did not, I only saw nigga... What exactly is your problem..?
Guys could you please pay me the courtesy of a small amount of respect. So this went 3 stars in 5 minutes, must be a popular topic around here.

I appreciate the fact of what is said behind closed doors shall remain there, this is not "behind closed doors" or "over a quiet one". This is in the middle of a forum, im SURE there a darker skinned users on this site whom would be offended, then abused some more for saying something.

Its so sad to see the complete lack of sincerity when it comes to racism, i know your all stoned as fuck and couldnt care less.

I just ask for what i find HIGHLY offensive to be removed, on the justification of its so fucking wrong its not funny.

Ill be careful what i type, but rest assured, RIU went down once, it "can" go down again.
Guess we can just chalk this up to Saturday night entertainment. bongsmilie


freedom of speech is much different here in the states than it is in europe or australia.

here in the states, you can be a racist who denies the holocaust as loud as you want, and your speech is probably going to be protected. no such luck in europe or australia. you can be fined or even imprisoned for that type of hate speech.

as much as i detest bmeat for doling out advice to newbies despite being misinformed to high heaven, his speech was innocent. there is much more direct racism in the politics section day in and day out.

that said, it is a good thing RIU is governed by our terms of use, and not the US constitution, the geneva convention, or aussie hate speech laws.
No I do not believe that, Don't take your misguided frustration out on me.

What I believe is that I have the authority as a member of this forum to speak as a human being and say that I am offended as a person that you would take offense to what you have taken offense to... I couldn't read nigger in there... I saw Nigga... but no nigger... I might be high and have missed the writing of nigger in the other thread but I did not, I only saw nigga... What exactly is your problem..?

So you are telling me that the meaning of nigga and nigger are different?, Are you trying to tell me that its ok to exploit some "loop-hole" in regards to the spelling because you think it changes the words definition.

wait, secrity didnt let me post

google - define nigga

[COLOR=#878787 !important]Web definitions[/COLOR]
[TABLE="class: ts"]
[TD]nigger: (ethnic slur) extremely offensive name for a Black person; "only a Black can call another Black a nigga".[/TD]
Diablo, you don't "have" to be on this site. There's such a thing as free speech. People can say whatever the fuck they want. That's the beauty of free speech. Deal with it.
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