Riu the movie

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
If they made a movie about riu and it's members...who would you want to play you?Who do you think should play some of the other members?Would there be nudity?What would everyone be smoking?What would the plot be?Maybe describe a scene from the movie.


Me, you, one scene, nudity. Hahahaha, I think it should be an epic adventure like pineapple express.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
LOL....you liked that movie?I didn't care for it.I also hated observe and report.For me, an epic drug movie is fear and loathing in las vegas.I was also pleasantly surprised by smiley face.
Me, you, one scene, nudity. Hahahaha, I think it should be an epic adventure like pineapple express.


Well-Known Member
First scene is two 10 year old kids digging through daddy's dresser one day, then they find they find a joint...


Well-Known Member
everyone plays themselves.....

lots of nudity.. apparently there is a large majority of the smokers around here that like being naked when high... more power to them!!

i could see it somewhat like that 70's show when they smoke around the table.. just a bunch of us chilling and having a good time.. sharing each others smoke.. the movie would be stories of the past grows and experiences, which is that actual movie parts...

then it is horribly intterupted when the "kids" get off school and come bother us....

after a few kids are kicked out or past their curfew the movie continues.....

i do see some cameos tho... god drops in.. like the god from family guy... possibly even adam west... i'd like to think chong drops in too.. and maybe snoop dogg.. but any cameo that does happen is REALLY random and not part of the story.. sorta a comic relief type thing.. and something to make people want to watch it...


Well-Known Member
I think I would probably just be an extra....but maybe I could be naked. Actually maybe I shouldn't be naked.


Well-Known Member
I envision a scenario involving nekkid bongo drumming ala Matthew McConaughey.

Brad Pitt or John Cusack could play me; maybe William Shatner if either of the former two turn down the script.


Well-Known Member
I envision a scenario involving nekkid bongo drumming ala Matthew McConaughey.

Brad Pitt or John Cusack could play me; maybe William Shatner if either of the former two turn down the script.

if RIU were a movie, I think at least one character should be portrayed like nanny from the muppet babies, only from the waist down


Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind seeing an RIU show/movie like Survivor.
Every competition would begin with 15 mins beforehand to add to our enjoyment There would then be competitions related to smoking, or made more difficult by smoking such as:
1) 100 couches in the room, one lighter, first team to find it wins.
2) Playing the game Operation, each player has to clear the bored. Every time you BEEEP, the whole team had to take a hit.
3) A PS3/XBox 360 battle
4) Who can eat a bag chips the fastest.
etc. etc.
At "tribal council" everyone is allowed to smoke, but the loser has to ceremoniously toss his personalized piece off a cliff.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Some kat mentioned god dropping in or
something like from family guy... Wut about like a wizard appearing.. Maybe soma ... That kat looks like the real deal haha...he shows up n gives bud wisdom..shit idk hah?!

Big P

Well-Known Member
i think the movie should start off with a rape scene where our little rollitup guy pictured below, is being gang raped and passed around by a bunch of evil DEA agents laughing and pluggin him all night and beating him

then after it's all over our little friend picks up his nickers shakes his fist at his attackers and says "ill get you!!!!!" "Ill get yoooou!!!!!" "so help me god!!!! one day I will get you!!!! even if its with my last dying breath ill get you!!!!"

then our little friend goes on to seek revenge and starts this website called rollitup.org.......

so then it slowy starts growing and growing and becoming more sucessful with more and more members, until one fateful day when he has the whole country at his side, no the whole world!!

he decides now is the time. now is the time he has been waiting for! and he reveals to all his faithfull rollitupers the shamful wrong that had been done onto him by the scandlous DEA agents so many years ago.

everyone is in shock!!! all the follow rollitup uppers are outraged!! they want revenge!!!! they will not stand for this!!!!!!!!!!!!

but allass there was some grumbling for some of the rollituppers.

some think that our little mr rollitup friend may have been asking for it, i mean the dude doesnt even wear pants? you know?

and then the story unfolds into a made for tv drama called,

"the days that wees high"bongsmilie

the end
