RIU tolerance break now over


Well-Known Member
For anybody that is new and doesnt know me, im a medical marijuana patient, activist, and grower. If your wondering why a select group of ppl on here seem to "dislike" me, its because they dont believe in the freedom of speech, and for some reason judge my character and quality of life based on some of my political views that shot around here for the sake of debating. Like I did in this thread, I am always willing to forgive anyone and start over. The supposed "adults" who choose to keep up the schoolyard antics are the one that really show their character flaws. Anywho, watsup everybody.. hope your grows are very fruitful and ur smoke is good.


Well-Known Member
I got no beef with ya kaendar...I could not care less if ya want to become a cop or fireman or any other job.


Well-Known Member
Alot? ....I say maybe 25% good ...75% assholes who abuse their power...but I have 5 or 6 friends I grew up with who are Chicago cops..good people and could not give a fuck about weed or growing they actually have real problems to deal with..unlike most of these useless fucks targeting growers and smokers.


Well-Known Member
Alot? ....I say maybe 25% good ...75% assholes who abuse their power...but I have 5 or 6 friends I grew up with who are Chicago cops..good people and could not give a fuck about weed or growing they actually have real problems to deal with..unlike most of these useless fucks targeting growers and smokers.
I know a couple good cops. But yeah, know more bad than good haha..

And if you think about it, there's a shit load of cops out there.. So 25% of a shit load of cops is still "alot" of cops.. :-P


Well-Known Member
For anybody that is new and doesnt know me, im a medical marijuana patient, activist, and grower. If your wondering why a select group of ppl on here seem to "dislike" me, its because they dont believe in the freedom of speech, and for some reason judge my character and quality of life based on some of my political views that shot around here for the sake of debating. Like I did in this thread, I am always willing to forgive anyone and start over. The supposed "adults" who choose to keep up the schoolyard antics are the one that really show their character flaws. Anywho, watsup everybody.. hope your grows are very fruitful and ur smoke is good.
have you ever apologized?

don't make it seem like you have done nothing wrong. you start debates, throw in crappy cut and paste from obscure articles that you have found to help you with your usually asinine theory then leave the debate when it gets too hot for you or you run around crying that ppl are piling up on you for no reason.

the reason ppl pile on you is because you manage to offend most here. i have a mental defect in your mind because i am gay. i am a hypocrite because i smoke pot and am a christian. should i go on and help inform the new ppl of your antics or should we just let them find out for themselves by reading your post (half of which float around here as signatures).

but by all means play the victim, you do it well...they will see soon enough what kind of person you really are just by listening to the things that come out of your mouth.

sunny (black lesbian pot smoking christian engineer)


Well-Known Member
ill break it down though.
1) if your gay and get married, people will start having sex with their pets and or immediate family members.
2) if you foliar feed, and the sun is shining brightly. good bye plants. they are on fire and you should probably grab some water.
3) he is/was trying to become LAPD
4) he really hates white people.
5) hes a pro tattoo artist but ive seen fingerpaints look more clear
6) he really hates mexicans, but has a mexican wife/kid.
After reading obijohn's link, and and all this LOL, and your description, I was wondering........ Is this the infamous kaendar?isthiskaendar_zps82c9ce36.jpg


Well-Known Member
I don't know this kendar fella, but I do know that most of the people here are really kind. you must have been a real pain I the ass to Piss off so many chill people. I always believe in second chances and think after they vent you'll be ok. But come on man, posting on cop forums? Talking shit to someone because they are gay? Get with the times man, we are all on this rock together and trying to get by. Be cool and let people be who they are without ridicule. I'm cool with you kendar!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Kaendar
For anybody that is new and doesnt know me, im a medical marijuana patient, activist, and grower".............................a f*cking bull-shitter is what you are. you are an agitator, a racist, a wanna-be leo, and ..................give poor advice.


Well-Known Member
have you ever apologized?

don't make it seem like you have done nothing wrong. you start debates, throw in crappy cut and paste from obscure articles that you have found to help you with your usually asinine theory then leave the debate when it gets too hot for you or you run around crying that ppl are piling up on you for no reason.

the reason ppl pile on you is because you manage to offend most here. i have a mental defect in your mind because i am gay. i am a hypocrite because i smoke pot and am a christian. should i go on and help inform the new ppl of your antics or should we just let them find out for themselves by reading your post (half of which float around here as signatures).

but by all means play the victim, you do it well...they will see soon enough what kind of person you really are just by listening to the things that come out of your mouth.

sunny (black lesbian pot smoking christian engineer)
Your sexual orientation has no bearing on the information that comes from your keyboard, and I like that cat in your avatar.
'Nuff sed...