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Those pink panties are winking at me James. :) Make them stop.
Awesome, but have seen it. To be honest, I think all people should be able to have that kind of closeness with wild animals.

I wish that the storis of people making friends with mountain lions, tigers, wolves, bears and whatever WEREN'T so surprising to everyone..





like he just said, animals will tear your fucking face off.
99.9% chance is that a wolf/bear/lion/tiger will fucking kill you if you approach it, and your fake wolf ears and tail won't help lol.

those kinds of animals are meant to be left alone. they aren't our friends.
we co-exist with plenty of animals already.
Uh, just randomly walking up to it, yes. They'd be standoffish with their own kind. Caution of any stranger, especially humans is what keeps them safe. Did you watch that Enter the Pride documentary? It took the guy MONTHS to be accepted by the pride, having been charged at several times. I'm not saying all lions are going to be pussycats for example, just trust like that takes time, patience and understanding.

And no, the ears and tail will not help me because they are immobile. The ears are incredibly important for giving off signals and indicating what you are paying attention to. Intently pricked ears can be just as intimidating as splayed/flat ones, like how clapping too long can be considered rude. If I waltzed up to a high ranking wolf with my tail straight out he'd be like 'WTF who do you think you are.' Even worse if it was raised beyond 180 degrees.

Even after only having the pleasure of working with a high content wolfdog, I know that it's a step above most domestic dogs. And not every animal is going to like you because you like it. But it IS possible to forge that kind of relationship (as shown above)

It also means wild animals in captivity/breeding programs/rehabilitation can be fed/ receive medical examinations and treatment with less cost and fuss. No blow darts, segmented enclosures, just trust. Even something as routine as checking a tiger is pregnant for example, it's easier to just walk into the cage and give her a feel rather than knocking her out and doing an ultrasound. Anesthesia is also highly dangerous and distressing to animals.