RIU Weight loss Support Group


Well-Known Member
You are shiting me right? Latte once week!! I'm on three a day.

This is gonna be tougher than I anticipated.lol
Not sure if this has been suggested. But TRACK EVERYTHING THAT GOES IN YOUR MOUTH you can get a calorie tracker on your phone (my fitness pal, spark people, live strong) are all good ones. MFP also tracks water, exercise and nutritional breakdown based on your stats so you can see how much protein, fat, etc, you are taking in. takes a while to get dialed in, but it remembers your common foods etc so the more you use it the easier it gets.

you'd be amazed at the caloric value of foods like cheese. Just one ounce (the size of my thumb) is 90-100 calories.

I know counting calories seems ancient, but the bottom line: you must burn more than you consume to lose weight. It's that simple. All this pairing foods, eating this with that and eliminating this, yadda yadda, is pointless unless your remember the simple math

You must burn more than you consume. And when you see how nutritionally devoid this processed crap is and how hight calorie it is, well that's an eye opener too. That's why greens veggies and some fruits (whole grains in moderation) are great. You feel fuller without the loads of fat and cals.

Gonzo, nothing wrong with a daily latte: I sometimes have one or two, BUT they are 90 cals each and yes it counts against my daily goal of 1300 cals
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Staff member
healthy weight loss is approx 1-2 lbs a week, and whats your protein source(s)?> eat alot of fish?
people who are heavier, as in overweight or obese will loose more than 1-2 lbs a week during weightloss once they get to a better weight they will end up loosing 1-2 lbs per week after that


Well-Known Member
Thanks hooka, I'll check.out those apps

Bad day today. Played 5's last night, my body still aches and for some reason I couldn't sleep. So 4hrs of terrible restless snoozing, then in to work to fight with the hoards of morons I call colleagues.

I've had an orange. Store bought, cheese, ham, mayo salad sandwich at about 10. Large lattes at 8ish and 11ish

Burrito at about 4ish and then I feel asleep on the couch for an hour.

Need to make changes. Do you think my poor sleeping is linked to diet? Struggle to get 4-5 hrs each night
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Well-Known Member
Thanks hooka, I'll check.out those apps

Bad day today. Played 5's last night, my body still aches and for some reason I couldn't sleep. So 4hrs of terrible restless snoozing, then in to work to fight with the hoards of morons I call colleagues.

I've had an orange. Store bought, cheese, ham, mayo salad sandwich at about 10. Large lattes at 8ish and 11ish

Burrito at about 4ish and then I feel asleep on the couch for an hour.

Need to make changes. Do you think my poor sleeping is linked to diet? Struggle to get 4-5 hrs each night
When you say you struggle to get 4-5 is that because that's all you can sleep? Do you awake feeling rested or tired?

Depends on your age. The older we get the less sleep we need. That said, proper sleep is highly underrated and often ignored in our culture. If you lose sleep, the popular thinking is you produce more cortisol (the stress hormone responsible for weight gain). I do know that there are many medical studies done stating that the reason sleep is crucial to weight loss is because people who are lacking adequate rest tend to overeat more than those who get a solid 7-8 hours.

As I get older it's harder to sustain sleep, but I sure know the difference when I go for 3 or 4 days with only 4-6 hours. Of course everyone's different and yadda yadda, but yes, get plenty of rest. IMO it's key to better health.

**This includes turning off all t.v.s computers, etc that lend artificial light while trying to sleep. This light interferes with REM sleep.


Well-Known Member
lol are people really picking apart what im saying.. annnyywaayyyss i didnt count calories for the longest time, progress isnt halted because youre not counting calories..but to fine tune i started counting everything..but as a starting point id start counting your macronutrients (fat protein carb) 30/30/40%.. i figure that would be easier than just "hit the ground running" counting everything


Well-Known Member
earlier^^ supplements were mentioned, supplements are just that. supplements. as in they should only supplement your diet, when i wake up i take a whey protein shake, after sleeping and not eating and burning up all the casein from the shake the night prior your body is either close to catabolic or already has been catabolic. so its good to get that fast acting protein (whey) asap to cease catabolic activity. then i eat like 45 min later, i scatter maybe like 3 shakes throughout the day..some people think supps are "cheating" like theyre roids haha, every supplement i take is already in the food im eating, its just additional.


Well-Known Member
Thanks hooka, I'll check.out those apps

Bad day today. Played 5's last night, my body still aches and for some reason I couldn't sleep. So 4hrs of terrible restless snoozing, then in to work to fight with the hoards of morons I call colleagues.

I've had an orange. Store bought, cheese, ham, mayo salad sandwich at about 10. Large lattes at 8ish and 11ish

Burrito at about 4ish and then I feel asleep on the couch for an hour.

Need to make changes. Do you think my poor sleeping is linked to diet? Struggle to get 4-5 hrs each night
i really think your poor sleeping is linked to the caffeine consumption..when i eat like shit i usually pass out right away, such a sharp insulin spike will make you drowsy, people think its tryptophan in the turkey that makes them sleepy at thanksgiving, its actually because people stuff their fucking faces so much their insulin spikes super high and they get sleepy, youd have to eat something like 30 lbs of turkey to get the levels of tryptophan that are sedating. lol. 'MERICA!


Well-Known Member
thats too much rib cage for me. lol maybe if she ate a huge meal and drank a bunch of water and a bunch of beer too, smooth out that xylophone.hahah


Well-Known Member
I don't see that desr. You know you're stuff as far as I can tell.

Don't know if I'll be able to use it all that well, think I may need to learn how to walk before I can run if you get me. I definitely appreciate the help and info tho.


Well-Known Member
I eat fish atleast 3 times a week, but mostly I do protein shakes.

I understand that weight loss at this speed isn't "healthy" But I'm not starving myself of vitamins or protein just calories.

My body has more than enough fat stored to feed my caloric needs.
WHen i started juicing i came across this documentary of an australian guy who goes on a vegetable juice fast and looses a ridiculous amount of weight in two months. Suppose kind of a similar principle though i would be worried about not ingesting any protein. My mum has been telling me about a book she read of an american doctor claiming that wheat is the worst thing ever for your body. Is that partly why you dont consume grains? Or just calories?


Staff member
in spirit of the weightloss group
heres me before at 178weightloss3.jpg

went vegan and lost alot me at 160-50ishweightloss2.jpg

and me today at the gym like 20 mins agoweightloss.jpg

work hard folks dig deep!
proper nutrition and working out does indeedwork and you all can get to your goals!
I still have another 15 to go, but honestly due to the nature of my work outs as long as the inches go weight on the scale doesnt matter because muscle weights more than fat

it takes a brave sole to put up these pics! eeeek


Well-Known Member
Nice Sunni.
Can't argue with results like that. Plus being a foody I'm sure you can post some intersting recipes.


Staff member
Nice Sunni.
Can't argue with results like that. Plus being a foody I'm sure you can post some intersting recipes.
oh i have plenty ^_^ im such a foodie , changes all start in the kitchen imho

the big thing for me, was i was so fucking unhappy....like i would cry everytime i had to go out with friends to a bar or something.. i hated the way i looked.
and ive never felt like that in my life.
so i made the change, i dropped everything went vegan lost most of my weight just cutting out animal products
i realize that isnt a change anyone is usually willing to make and i respect that but for me, it worked being so strict onmyself is how i knew i could stop cravings or not give in
and now im a happy little moral and ethical vegan who dances in the sunshine and eats apples and strawberries and the occasional veggie burger. :p
it just worked for me for whatever reason
so i made it my goal to help others
signed up to become a Certified holistic nutritionist because now im so goddamn passionate about healthy food and healthy living.


Well-Known Member
A bunch of the old cliches are true. Like do not shop on an empty stomach.
Shopping while hungry is a great way to end up with a kitchen full of junk food.


Staff member
A bunch of the old cliches are true. Like do not shop on an empty stomach.
Shopping while hungry is a great way to end up with a kitchen full of junk food.
so true.

i mean realistically make real goals for yourself.
i have 15 lbs to loose imho. according to my bmi i should be 110.
i do not ever see myself being 110.
Im naturally curvy, and have a bigger chest i would look fucking stupid at 110, because ive been there when i was younger and it wasnt a healthy weight for me. i looked disgusting.
I would like to be 125-130ish i believe for me thats the right weight, of course though i would like to add more muscle which is what my gym is gunna do so yay ^_^