RNC Committeeman to Introduce Impeachment Resolution Against Obama

I can see not acting in our best interest as one reason, like he did when he sold out the population to big insurances with the ACA.
I dedicate this song to supporters of current politics.
the whole system is corrupt, not just obama.
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I think you as well as some GOP members are a clueless group of people.
Here let us try it this way. What executive order that Obama made has been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court ?

Also Nixon impeached process was due to Watergate, please state what Obama has done that was equal to that .
Banghazi-gate, nsa-gate, irs-gate. Fast and furious. Shall I keep going?
Members of the Republican National Committee will consider a resolution that would urge House Republicans to begin impeachment proceedings for president Obama.

Michigan’s RNC committeeman Dave Agema will introduce the resolution at the RNC’s next meetings which will take place from January 13th-15th.

The resolution details 48 criminal charges, including executive actions on guns and immigration, Syrian refugees, and spying on congress.



did the holocaust happen?
That's the equivalent of saying, "hey let him steal, rape, and murder he'll be dead in a few months anyway"
Would you get that kind of slack from the government? No.
We need to also impeach his ass to let it be known that what he has done is unacceptable and any future presidents will think twice.

tell us more about how the founding fathers didn;t own slaves and the holocaust didn't happen.
GOP wasting our cash for tactical political goals. Truth and cost are irrelevant. It's not their personal $$

Dem's do it too

We the People need to email them and tell them it's unacceptable. Then we need to vote for politicians who will stand for OUR needs, instead of more tax breaks for rich corporations and their donor class owners.
you look like the next adam lanza.
you look like a rat boy pig farmer.
I think i hear your walrus with construction worker hands calling.
p.s. i would have to be democrat to be a mass shooter, you're one, so you're like a billion times more likely than me to be the next lanza:dunce:
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typical. from you.
that is not the topic, if you would like a thread of said subject, go start a thread. quit de-railing the subject with your weak distraction attempts.
go start a thread.
you look like a rat boy pig farmer.
I think i hear your walrus with construction worker hands calling.
p.s. i would have to be democrat to be a mass shooter, you're one, so you're like a billion times more likely than me to be the next lanza:dunce:


Sweet meltdown. Would read again.