RO water how do i add cal,mag


Well-Known Member
i use to give my soil plants tao water,now im switching to hydro so i got a ro filter and i heard i should add calcium and magnesium,do i need to do it in veg. as in flowering andhow do i do this and in witch amount


Active Member
I try to use 5ml per gal as the container says with Canna nutes. General Hydroponics is supposed to have it already so it should not be needed for the most part.

Make sure you are doing the right thing for the type of nutes you use.


Illegal Smile

I use Humboldts sea cal and sea mag. They advise sea cal in veg and sea mag in flower.


I do a DWC in a 5 gal bucket and use the 3 part GH series with RO water. I put Cal Mag plus 5ml per gallon from 3rd full leaf set (2-3 weeks from seedling) to end of flower. The 2 part Flora may have Cal and Mag, but the 3 part does not, or at least not enough to prevent a mag deficiency.