RO Water

You non Organics in soil have to feed every other watering? My god :o

from what I can follow you’re in soil and you’re doing Organics yes?

if Yes then don’t add cal mag to you’re water, and RO is fine, and you shouldn’t have any runoff when you water.
What’s your medium?

a good calmag replacement in Organics is similar to your egg shell idea

take about 1-2c of washed crushed egg shells and roast them to a golden brown, don’t char or burn them.

take the crushed shells and put them in a jar and cover them with 3c of vinegar of your choice, I like apple cider with the mother.

it will bubble, let it sit for 7 days.
Strain it.

use about 4ml per gal but I usually test my batch’s with an EC meter to make sure I hit around 100-150. Changes per batch etc...
Yeah non organics get taken up really quick since majority of it is cleated already. There is not as much need for the microbacteria to slowly break down compounds to be available to the plant.
You’ve helped me before so I’m going to ask for your help again. In living soil what would you recommend for top dressing? Right now I’m guessing I’m two to three weeks from harvest But they seem to be lacking something. I’ve been trying to do a water only thing.
There are a lot out there, but this is what I use when I flip, and right after I harvest
1/2c per cf of craft blend
1/2c per cf of compost blend (below is a compost blend I sometimes use but itsto be honest you can use straight up good quality EWC and be fine)

Other than those two a the flip and to reset after harvest I use
Fermented Fruit Juice (from bananas)
Sprouted Seed Teas
Also top dressing with a balanced mix would take care of any micros and minerals you’d need as well as macros etc...

min always on buildasoils nuts and that’s bc their shit is awesome but their craft blend is the shit
There are a lot out there, but this is what I use when I flip, and right after I harvest
1/2c per cf of craft blend
1/2c per cf of compost blend (below is a compost blend I sometimes use but itsto be honest you can use straight up good quality EWC and be fine)

Other than those two a the flip and to reset after harvest I use
Fermented Fruit Juice (from bananas)
Sprouted Seed Teas
good stuff Man, I thank you.
I was just got To his post good looking out.
I just saw you said you’re two to three weeks from harvest.

in that case skip top dress rn and wait till after harvest, if that happens to me and plants need a boost I give them a nice 700-1000ppm hit of fish hydrolase, I like Neptune’s brand and it’s pretty bioavailable and a nice feed for any microbes...

also consider plain water the last week or two before harvest...

So if hit em with one last nice feed with hydrolase and then plain water and microbe it till u chop
I just saw you said you’re two to three weeks from harvest.

in that case skip top dress rn and wait till after harvest, if that happens to me and plants need a boost I give them a nice 700-1000ppm hit of fish hydrolase, I like Neptune’s brand and it’s pretty bioavailable and a nice feed for any microbes...

also consider plain water the last week or two before harvest...

So if hit em with one last nice feed with hydrolase and then plain water and microbe it till u chop
I really only use plain well water and a little molasses . I ph it down to 6 or 6.5 with vinegar but other than that they have only been fed f.f. Organic bloom twice, a lentil sst once in veg and a corn sst in week four. In week one I used happy frog cavern culture for a top dressing. I’m trying to figure out a true water only.
I just saw you said you’re two to three weeks from harvest.

in that case skip top dress rn and wait till after harvest, if that happens to me and plants need a boost I give them a nice 700-1000ppm hit of fish hydrolase, I like Neptune’s brand and it’s pretty bioavailable and a nice feed for any microbes...

also consider plain water the last week or two before harvest...

So if hit em with one last nice feed with hydrolase and then plain water and microbe it till u chop
I appreciate all the help if you have any ex
Sorry couldn't help you there, this guy above you @maranibbana looks super knowledgeable on it though
I dont do organics, I am surprised I was as on point with the information I gave above as I was hahah
if you do have extra time maybe you can look at some of my other post I have a lot of dumb questions lol that goes for you too @maranibbana appreciate all the help
How about boiling egg shells in RO water and adding epsom salt and then mixing a bit of that with the regular RO water?
the calcium in the egg shells isnt readily avaiable, better mix it in your organix soil to give the microbes time to make it avaiable.
the epsom salt is directly avaiable to your plants.

Calcium nitrate plus magnesium sulfate (epsom salt) or clamag would be my choice.
calmag is often calcium nitrate and magnesium nitrate, so it can be stored in high concetrations in one bottle , means quite some N also.
the calcium in the egg shells isnt readily avaiable, better mix it in your organix soil to give the microbes time to make it avaiable.
the epsom salt is directly avaiable to your plants.

Calcium nitrate plus magnesium sulfate (epsom salt) or clamag would be my choice.
calmag is often calcium nitrate and magnesium nitrate, so it can be stored in high concetrations in one bottle , means quite some N also.
Roasted egg shell + vinegar + 7 days + strain = water soluble calcium
Can you boil the egg shells for 20 minutes with the epsom salt and then just leave the water standing out overnight before straining it?
Can you boil the egg shells for 20 minutes with the epsom salt and then just leave the water standing out overnight before straining it?
Don’t do that

vinegar breaks down calcium bonds, makes higher bioavailability. Skip adding any unneeded salts in soil/Organics.
3c of vinegar? What is c? Also wont the vinegar drop the ph of the RO water like crazy? And how often do you use this? Also if you say avoid (epsom) salt, how do I supplement the magnesium? I have Neptunes Harvest Seaweed Fertilizer 0-0-1 dies that have some magnesium @maranibbana ?
c = cups

and no, after you strain the eggshells from the vinegar you save the vinegar and when needed should be used at a ratio of 1:1000 or 4ml per gallon.

yes vinegar lowers ph but not for long, it’s fine and ends up being a positive impact on nutrient uptake.

I wouldn’t really worry about ph in Organics...

What are you growing in again? I can’t even remember why we are talking about this I’m vry high
3c of vinegar? What is c? Also wont the vinegar drop the ph of the RO water like crazy? And how often do you use this? Also if you say avoid (epsom) salt, how do I supplement the magnesium? I have Neptunes Harvest Seaweed Fertilizer 0-0-1 dies that have some magnesium @maranibbana ?
why do you need to supplement mag?

that seaweed fert is nice for foliar and wateriging and will add a little potassium and possibly some micros and a lot of Na (salt)

they have a yellow bottle that is a 2-3-1 formula that’s great for a nice hit near the end of flower if needed
when youre prducing calcium acetate you have some quick avaiable calcium right.

wont have sorrow with epsom salt in organics ´, its a organic certified quite harmless salt.
Other than those two a the flip and to reset after harvest I use
Fermented Fruit Juice (from bananas)
Sprouted Seed Teas

Mammoth P? What ever for????

Simply brew your own bio teas! Talk about saving money.....

Build a soil is a great group. I find Kelp4less as another good organic source.

Technically I build all my organic soils myself. In such I use oyster and eggshell as the Cal source. Non roasted eggshell, pulverized in a spice grinder, can add some nutrition too.
Generally, I get confused by any "mineral" top dress. The reason being, is that any good built soil will contain enough "mineral" base to last a whole year of soil use - and not need to be reamended till that year of use.
Now Ca and a Mg source is part of any recharge to reuse it...

I also up pot several times to the "final" pot. This final pot soil is balanced to be bloom use soil. I have several formula's of it, for differing strain needs/wants.

NOTE: I spent a long time playing with living Bio teas and supplementing synthetic grows with it. This was being done for the sake of "knowledge".

To say that "living bio's" don't help or can't help synthetic runs? Incorrect! You can supplement high count living bio teas on an alternating schedule with feeding and decrease your nutrient use by 50% or fry your plants. Not to mention that this nutrient was charted as an every watering use feed.
Not to mention that I have as a rule (and for decades),,Watered a metered amount everyday at lights on.
You might have to reduce the concentrations a bit - especially in bloom but, it works better to get more O2 to the roots.
Anyway, the amount of increased nutrient availability/use shocked me at first. It took a cpl of runs to balance the nutrient mix, and Tea use out.

No, I don't do it anymore. The by far largest style work I do is "water only", home built Super soils. Longer running strains and some that can be very particular/fussy. Do get some organic liquid nutrition later in their run, to supplement the soil nutrient availability.

All these soils are reused over and over. Recharge with what's required, when it's needed, and back into rotation it goes.
when youre prducing calcium acetate you have some quick avaiable calcium right.

wont have sorrow with epsom salt in organics ´, its a organic certified quite harmless salt.

Just don't mix actual Epsom salts into any soil build, or use it directly on soil. Make it a measured solution first!
I also up pot several times to the "final" pot. This final pot soil is balanced to be bloom use soil. I have several formula's of it, for differing strain needs/wants.

Why suggest transplant/change pots in living soil and not just start in the final pot size?
And then also say you now only do super soil mixes etc?

In living soil why have special mixes for special plants? I can literally put any plant in the same mix and they will perform equally amazing... I’ve had 56 day indicas and 14 week Grinspoons in 3 gal pots in the same mix and both did fine... so why do that?

You won’t find what’s in MammothP in your other bio teas ;)