robbed at fucking gun point

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Dont hate on the west coast because we go hella hard son....We stay packin'
Fetti stackin', mashin', and flashin'..And thats no joke...iv been to chi pretty savage place to be from good luck staying outta a bag..

aint no pity in the windycity. and dont trip i aint going in no bag no time soon


Well-Known Member
Im gonna go ahead and say if your claiming to be hard on fuckin RIU then theres about a 99% chance that the hardest shit you ever did was on GTA 4... Nigga Im from humboldt park, nigga Im from houston.. Cool, you live somewhere, I live in Atlanta, and I dont feel like I have accomplished much by establishing that.. If yall are so fucking hard whats all the talk about? Who you proving yourself to? I could come in here and make outrageous claims too, fact is the only place it gets me is looking like that much more of a jackass for having to talk about it in a goddamn online forum... Ya dig? Now, to the dude who made the thread originally, sucks you got robbed don't do what some clowns are talkin bout and retaliate idiot style to send a message, the only message your sendin is to the cops to arrest you, that or your retaliation skills suck.. Be smart, think how this shit affects you tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, etc. and then react accordingly, things have a funny way of unfolding in my experience.


Well-Known Member
Im gonna go ahead and say if your claiming to be hard on fuckin RIU then theres about a 99% chance that the hardest shit you ever did was on GTA 4... Nigga Im from humboldt park, nigga Im from houston.. Cool, you live somewhere, I live in Atlanta, and I dont feel like I have accomplished much by establishing that.. If yall are so fucking hard whats all the talk about? Who you proving yourself to? I could come in here and make outrageous claims too, fact is the only place it gets me is looking like that much more of a jackass for having to talk about it in a goddamn online forum... Ya dig? Now, to the dude who made the thread originally, sucks you got robbed don't do what some clowns are talkin bout and retaliate idiot style to send a message, the only message your sendin is to the cops to arrest you, that or your retaliation skills suck.. Be smart, think how this shit affects you tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, etc. and then react accordingly, things have a funny way of unfolding in my experience.
Your from atlanta huh? I'm bout 30-45 minutes away from atlanta visiting my brother.


Well-Known Member
Your from atlanta huh? I'm bout 30-45 minutes away from atlanta visiting my brother.
Word man, yeah I live about 20 minutes outside of the city. Enjoy it, its a pretty nice city if you ask me, makes you forget your in the south almost, haha.


All I know is that Windsor is the place to go for fake IDs man. I live in Michigan near Detroit so I have like a 30 minute drive to Ontario.


Active Member
growin weed is steal illegal and the more people who know, the worse, cuz u are now a pawn in the game. somebody get locked up for a dime bag an shittin bricks, so to get out they tell on u an ur op that could be payin ur fuckin bills, u dig wut im sayin. i grow to smoke for free and commercially is my priority so fuckas stealin an knowin where my op is is out of the fuckin question. i dont tell my cousins, nobody. then people want low prices an handouts. now ur robbery percentage has rissen cuz ur prone to being robbed cuz loose lips sinks ships. people talk an word travels from here to there so fast ya know. shit here in my town sells for 500 to 600 an oz(kush, diesel,purps,haze) chicago is crazy ya know but its beneficial if ur a grower ya dig. green gold, jus gota stay outta crazy situations. growin up here u jus know not to be in too many circles where dat shit can happen or will happen. how the fuck u at yo mans crib an get robbed. i try to be around people who dont get robbed, especially like that. i mean anybody can get robbed, shot, hit the lottery, wuteva but gettin robbed like that. somebody know u yall biz.keep a low pro


Active Member
people aint makin 500 week on they jobs out here, and as a whole, most people dont have 60,000 year jobs drivin benzes. so alot niggas wont dat shit an some will steal to get it. u holdin 5 pounds of some shit thats 500 an oz. u all can do da math on dat, so if a nigga know yo biz hell try an take dt shit if he foul an cant get on his own feet. its happened from here to fuckin austrailia im sure


Active Member
i act like i aint even holdin, lol. da shit sells around da clock. i jus act like i got a couple ounces an shit. some people talk to much ya know. letta tief know yo whole stash report an not even know it thinkin u can trust um but u cant, so be low key an yo chances of robbery will be cut some.


Well-Known Member
Classic Johnny!

I am also a gangster. Word up. Its hard out here on these streets son. out for my peeps up in this heeezzy fo scheezy my neeezy. We got straps and caps and bats and hats. We fly an shit yo....dam son...shits ill, time to take my pill and dap my homey polish my chromey.

On a serious note, the hardest folks I've met talk quietly and carry a BIG stick. The loudmouths that talk the most shit are usually the first to stir up some shit and run why the rest of his boys get they ass beat. Im just sayin if you REALLY hard, keep it to yourself let you ACTIONS do the talking, not your keyboard.

And dont dis an entire state. That makes u ignorant, especially when 5 posts later you mention your family lives there.


lol.... look weak ass potheads.. u gotta face the music that people will rob you and kill you for that little plant your growing in your closet fool. its all about money fool. but thats how it is in the dope game!!!!! either nutt up or shut. dude above me suck my dick im every bit has hard has i say dont beleave roll threw and get dog walked around the block. and yeah i cant spell suck my dickkiss-ass
Anyone with half a brain realizes people will rob you for money, "fool". Fact is, why do we have to deal with that in real life than hear about it over and over from a fucking online alias? Good for you, you bang... bang the fuck off. Fool.:roll:

Just because someone isn't a killer, gang banger, fighting street thug does not make them weak. I bet you got a fragile little psyche like a 4 year old girl, and I bet you'll take that completely different than what it actually means.

Gangsters are a drain on society. Bunch of nobodies acting like they're somebody with a paint can and some fucking time on their hands.


Anyone with half a brain realizes people will rob you for money, "fool". Fact is, why do we have to deal with that in real life than hear about it over and over from a fucking online alias? Good for you, you bang... bang the fuck off. Fool.:roll:

Just because someone isn't a killer, gang banger, fighting street thug does not make them weak.

Gangsters are a drain on society. Get your fucking priorities in order and realize you're a bottom feeder. Bunch of nobodies acting like they're somebody with a paint can and some fucking time on their hands. Pussies.

lol with ill remeber that next time one the hommies fucks ur bitch, or steals yo whip!!!!!!!!!!:mrgreen: enjoy life in your gated community lmao yuppie


lol with ill remeber that next time one the hommies fucks ur bitch, or steals yo whip!!!!!!!!!!:mrgreen: enjoy life in your gated community lmao yuppie
Yeah yeah heard it all before you bad ass, hard talking, true gangster you.:roll:

Keep living the dream.


Well-Known Member
WOW ........................ funniest thread all week.. and im post 187 that makes me the herdest on this gangsta thread..lmao


Well-Known Member
i can teach you to cook rocks soo good it will make the hypes steal from there kids piggie bank. only in chicago can you buy 4 kinds of heroin, dank, ex, rocks, wickie stix{p.c.p.} soft yay, automatic weapons, and a hooker all on the same block. houston eat ur heart out bitch!!!!!! and for yall illeagles we got socials security cards and fake papers to.

you already know the home of capone gets greazey
Shut the fuck up already.......I know shittown. I must say he is pretty gangsta.


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