Robbing a bank


Well-Known Member
Thought of the "idea" of robbing banks too.

My idea is to have several robberies the same time... the same day. In small towns there are only so many policemen. Have you and 2 others rob banks on opposite sides of town. One of ya are will surely get away.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
If you had an army of robots capable of bank heists why not just try for a little world domination?

You could send out your robots to capture factories and resource points until you had amassed enough resources and research points to build an orbital weapons platform which you would use to hold the world to ransom. I would make them construct large monuments in my honor that I could see from my space hide-out with my non-robot bitches and 12 acre sun powered, centrifugal, hyperbaric grow chamber from hell.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
My friends 20 year old son just got popped for 3 bank robberies.....dumb ass made a few grand and is now facing 3 Federal bank robbery charges. ....$5,000 for all that time in prison is a complete fools crime.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
My friends 20 year old son just got popped for 3 bank robberies.....dumb ass made a few grand and is now facing 3 Federal bank robbery charges. ....$5,000 for all that time in prison is a complete fools crime.
Yes, I agree. Much better to let robots do all of the leg work instead.


Active Member
I like the way Anjinsan thinks. He answered the question in a purely logical sense, while not condoning anything at all.

In response to the robbing robot idea, try something closer to a 7-8 figure investment rather than a $10k one LOL. You would then have to analyze the potential revenue from these banks, and confirm that the reward warrants your investment and time. And that's on top of the legal and moral risk that you would expose yourself to.

As to the OP, I would rob a bank if the expected value (EV) was a positive one for me - and that would involve no chance of harming anyone, a rate of success that's acceptable to me, and a reward that makes the legal risk I expose myself to worth it. So yeah, probably not.


Well-Known Member
Thought of the "idea" of robbing banks too.

My idea is to have several robberies the same time... the same day. In small towns there are only so many policemen. Have you and 2 others rob banks on opposite sides of town. One of ya are will surely get away.
There was a set of robberies in town the other day. They described her as nothing more than a heavyset women. She hit three banks but only got cash from 2 but she got away.

There is another one round here they call him the Geizer Bandit. He is some old guy that has been popping banks for months and they cant catch him. look it up he is getting famous on facebook