Robin Hood Seeds "Nanaz" - Mars Hydro SP3000 - Coco - Floraflex

A quick update.

I been doing high stress for big branches, toping, defoliations and removing lower branches.
Since I been measuring the run off EC was really low, I need to increase my nutrients from
3.5 to 4.0 now EC run off comes in a decent range 3.8-4.0 EC

This is the new receipe 20 liters bucket (5.28 Galons)

- 3ml PowerSi Veg
- 25 ml CalMag
- 6 Grams of Epson Salts
- FloraFlex V1 28 grams
- FloraFlex V2 28 grams
- PH UP 7.5ml

Total EC: 4.0 (4000ms) PH: 5.8

I notice the leaves dont look 100% perfect they seem a little rough, I asked Welcome To The Grow Tent Youtube grower
how he see my plants and specially the leaves, I sent to him some pictures and his answer was:

The leaves have speed bumps so you need to back off the watering. Secondly, you need to turn the light down. the light should not be up to 75% til week 3 of flower. The plant can't keep up with the amount of light you are giving it so it is stealing it from the leaves. Hence they are light green

Well there's some confusion I read or saw in the Mars Hydro website after the 7 node in veg you can increase to 75% the power, but also depends of the strain if they can handle it, this is my first time using leds, but with mistakes you learn this kind of things.

I will need to change my water habits and let the coco dry not 100% but at least 70% after each water feeding, remember we are using Biopots Coco and 0% perlite so the moisture is constant and that could be a problem in my case.

Let's see if with this changes leaves get much better.


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A quick update.

I been doing high stress for big branches, toping, defoliations and removing lower branches.
Since I been measuring the run off EC was really low, I need to increase my nutrients from
3.5 to 4.0 now EC run off comes in a decent range 3.8-4.0 EC

This is the new receipe 20 liters bucket (5.28 Galons)

- 3ml PowerSi Veg
- 25 ml CalMag
- 6 Grams of Epson Salts
- FloraFlex V1 28 grams
- FloraFlex V2 28 grams
- PH UP 7.5ml

Total EC: 4.0 (4000ms) PH: 5.8

I notice the leaves dont look 100% perfect they seem a little rough, I asked Welcome To The Grow Tent Youtube grower
how he see my plants and specially the leaves, I sent to him some pictures and his answer was:

The leaves have speed bumps so you need to back off the watering. Secondly, you need to turn the light down. the light should not be up to 75% til week 3 of flower. The plant can't keep up with the amount of light you are giving it so it is stealing it from the leaves. Hence they are light green

Well there's some confusion I read or saw in the Mars Hydro website after the 7 node in veg you can increase to 75% the power, but also depends of the strain if they can handle it, this is my first time using leds, but with mistakes you learn this kind of things.

I will need to change my water habits and let the coco dry not 100% but at least 70% after each water feeding, remember we are using Biopots Coco and 0% perlite so the moisture is constant and that could be a problem in my case.

Let's see if with this changes leaves get much better.
I do not think they look droppy because of watering since you are in coco. They do not even look light green how being said by somebody. I believe you have cold and humid environment combined with to strong food and LEDs. But honestly there is no major issue going on, but it seems like you know what you are doing…

edit: sorry for entering your journal
I do not think they look droppy because of watering since you are in coco. They do not even look light green how being said by somebody. I believe you have cold and humid environment combined with to strong food and LEDs. But honestly there is no major issue going on, but it seems like you know what you are doing…

edit: sorry for entering your journal

No problem you are the second person that told me is fine LOL But I really can see when the leaves are 100% shiny and green this are not because there could be some issues and light can be one don't you think ?

Temps are 18°C - 25°C
RH 40%-65%
No problem you are the second person that told me is fine LOL But I really can see when the leaves are 100% shiny and green this are not because there could be some issues and light can be one don't you think ?

Temps are 18°C - 26°C
RH 40%-65%
As I said too cold and humid environment combined with strong food and strong LEDs thats my guess. They might maybe hard times with proper transpiration and that EC 4.0 sounds crazy high…
As I said too cold and humid environment combined with strong food and strong LEDs thats my guess. They might maybe hard times with proper transpiration and that EC 4.0 sounds crazy high…

EC could be high, but I see no overfeeding and I been measuring all weeks run offs from all the plants for example I was feeding everyday 750ml water with an EC of 3.0 and PH 5.8 run off came with 2.0 EC and PH of 6.0 and 6.1. My conclusion is this genetic is hungry !!!!
Hi to all it's been a while since my last update.

I notice checking the bottom of the pots that 3 plants only showed the begining of root rot an error for leaving my runoff water a couple of days in the trays and not remove it. Started to apply Cannazym (to fix a little that root rot) and waiting to get Hydroguard from Botanicare and include it in every water I give them from now on.

No more toppings since 2 weeks ago, I have 1 or 2 weeks max to get everything ready for bloom and install a trellis net that I will make with PVC like other growers and do some more bend (high stress) to have everyting on the same height, I only have 1 meter and 50cm of height inside the tent I hope I don't get in trouble since we have more weeks to go and the distance from the light takes 30cm or 40cm.

Water nutrients been in the range of 3.0EC I stoped giving them EC of 4.0 I notice some increase in the runoff, because I Iet them dry a little more, so I corrected that part and lower the dose no signs of overfeeding.

This is the latest receipe for 20 liters bucket (5.28 Galons) - Doing water one day and one not.

- 3ml PowerSi Veg
- 25 ml CalMag
- FloraFlex V1 23 grams
- FloraFlex V2 23 grams
- Cannazym 25 ml
- PH UP 5.5ml

Total EC: 3.0 (3000ms) PH: 5.8
Temps: 20 - 26
RH: 30% - 50%
4 Mars Hydro SP300 lights are still in the 50% power I will increase little by little once we get to bloom stage.

Waiting to get some products like FloraFlex Bulky B before doing the flip to 12-12, I need to cut more lower parts and a friend ask me for 20 clones to get one decent pheno when we get to the final or at least a backup in case something goes wrong on this grow you never know but I hope it's not the case.

Any comments feel free to let me know.


Updating the Journal, Happy Christmas to all !!

Last defoliation, I saved 40 clones from the lower part for a friend, changed lights to 12-12 since yesterday,
still need to fix the heigh of the canopy and install the trellis that I'm building.

This is the latest receipe for 20 liters bucket (5.28 Galons) - Doing water one day nutrients and one with just PH water.

- 5ml PowerSi Veg
- 20 ml CalMag
- 4 grams Epson Salts
- FloraFlex B1 32 grams
- FloraFlex B2 32 grams
- Cannazym 25 ml
- PH UP 7.0ml

Total EC: 3.4 (3400ms) PH: 5.9
Temps: 20 - 26
RH: 30% - 50%

4 Mars Hydro SP300 lights are still in the 50% power I will increase little by little once we get to bloom stage.


Hi to all,

Since the last weeks nothing new happened just some defoliations and bending, I build the trellis nets with
PVC like other growers and installed them, I Increased to 65% lights power.

Changed a little the nutrients receipe saw some kind of a few little burns in the tips and borders of some of the middle leafs, lower the EC a little and the receipe for 20 liters bucket (5.28 Galons).

- 4 ml PowerSi Veg
- 10 ml CalMag
- FloraFlex B1 25 grams
- FloraFlex B2 25 grams
- Cannazym 20 ml
- PH UP 8.0ml

Total EC: 2.7 (2700ms) PH: 5.9
Temps: 19°C - 25°C
RH: 35% - 50%

Doing water with nutrients once and two with just PH water, they seem to drink more water now.


Hi guys sorry for not updating this journal job and other things been keep me busy, but here
we are on the 3rd week of flower.

For week 5 or 6 I will need do another defoliation. I will install in a couple of days the second trellis net they are still growing I hope they stop so they don't get too close to the leds I can raise like 10cm more from the bars of the tent.
Power of the 4 lights is 100%.

The receipe for 20 liters bucket (5.28 Galons).

- 5 ml PowerSi Bloom
- 10 ml CalMag
- FloraFlex B1 25 grams
- FloraFlex B2 25 grams
- Cannazym 10 ml
- PH UP 8.0ml

Total EC: 2.8 (2800ms) PH: 5.9
Temps: 19°C - 26°C
RH: 40% - 55%


Ok guys will try to make a resume and I apologize for the last updates, but got some job problems.

Working the last weeks of flower got some problems because I did a lot of toping in the begining and tent went full 120% of space two ocilating fans on top and two not ocilating fans from the bottom wasn't enought for the ventilation and started to get Powder Mildu in 20% of the tent, tried to apply "Athena Powder Mildu" product and helped me in some way, but without a proper ventilation and with the trellis net already installed I wasn't able to defoliate anymore lower part of the canopy, a desperate option was to remove trellis net and take out everything to clean and defoliate, it wasn't the best option plants were so big and tall that a few branches started to bend and break.

One thing that I notice was the height the lights were 100% power and started to get burn light between 15 and 20 inches of distance wasn't enought.

This is strain is so bushy take that in mind when toping and you need to defoliate a lot.

This is the first time I use the Mars Hydro SP3000 so maybe for the next grow I need to measure light from the canopy because they are powerful and don't leave this strain for a lot of veg time will increase in size at least 60% other thing was it took them 2 weeks to show pistils so the preflower time took more for me since the change of 12/12.

By cuting all and sending to dry I wash all buds with and without PM with 3 buckets
1.- Bucket 1 with lime juice and sodium bicarbonate
2.- Buckcet 2 hydrogen peroxide 250ml and 20 liters of RO water
3.- Bucket 3 water only RO water

The dry part was 12 days 60F and 60%RH then to cure.

Strain is frosty, but got small buds and maybe that light stress make it not grow as I expected during the last weeks of flower.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.
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