Rock and a hard place. Advice needed!


Active Member
Hey everyone,

So I just finished a Pineapple Chunk grow earlier this month in a BCNL bloombox. Pineapple Chunk turned out significantly taller and with a much longer flowering period than I expected. Ideally for a system like mine ( I would want to take clones from a good mom and treat them like you would in SOG, shooting for a short, single-cola formation. I would like to hold my canopy at 65cm or under. What I got from seed was unruly, branchy plants that I didn't prune well enough, and were so tall they choked out the light for lower bud sites.

I find myself stuck between a rock and a hard-place in this situation... My options seem to be either:

A. Cut some PC clones, root them, veg them for 2-3 days and trim to the most recent growth, flower. Basically hope to get better size/shape plants through pruning techniques and short veg time.

B. Get new genetics, grow out a decent mom, clone, SOG.

Option A guarantees me a LONG flowering period and questionable results (not in potency, but certainly in yield if they are anywhere near as tall as they were from seed).

Option B means I'm going to have to wait at least 4 months until my next harvest, even if I started prospective moms today.

Can anyone give me some advice on this?

In short, I'm asking if you can take a normally tall and somewhat branchy strain and grow it short and close to the main stem, or if I'm better off buying some better SOG-suited strain?

Any recommendations on knock-down drag-out indicas that are good in SOG would be appreciated if you are a proponent of option B.

Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this, lemme know what you think.


Well-Known Member
option A, you just need to hone in on the plant's characteristics. Option A is exactly how you make a scraggly plant a high producer.
Seeing as optiom B will take 4 months minimum to impliment what have you got to lose ?


Well-Known Member
Option B. Anything worth doing, is worth doing right.

If you have to, build a little veg cabinet and go with option A while you wait for your mom's to grow up.
I think buds is on to something..