rock wool


I germinated 6 seeds about a week ago and once i saw the root break shell i placed the seeds in 1 inch rock wool after being soaked in 5.5 ph water. My seedlings are now 3 inches to 5 inches in size. How long should I wait to transfer my 1 inch rock wool to the bigger rock wool cubes? As of now, only the first leaves are out.



Well-Known Member
Your plants are looking stretched.

How far away are your lights? and what lights are you using?

Also do you have a fan blowing over them to help strengthen them?

Get them Transplanted now as the roots explode and look for water. your plants will thank you for it.



well they are in a humidity dome right now for humidity. my lights are flourescents 2 24w 6500k tubes by sunleaves. i have it right above the dome. should i not keep it in a dome? or take the top off and move it right above the leaves?


Well-Known Member
if you are using a dome you have to live with a stretch. you should start removing them now for a few hours each day to harden them off then in a couple of days you should be ok without. then get your flouros as close as possible 2inches or so. every time you remove the dome get your lights closer.



Well-Known Member
Your lights should be 1" away from the dome lid with your flouros. Really, only one inch!

To answer your actual question though, on when to transfer to a larger rockwool cube......... When you see ROOTS coming from the bottom of your current rockwool cubes. Once they have a couple inch long roots coming out the bottom, put them in your next rockwool cube that you DID pre-soak for 24 hours first in pH balanced water. :)

Then feed them 1/3 of your "Week 1 Veg" nutrients for a few days by hand -- only water when the cubes appear to be about 1/3 to 1/2 dry. (If the bottoms are still wet and "green" rather than "yellow green", wait longer to water them by a day still).

Hope this helps!


ok thank you for the replies. I will open the top for about 4 hours and get the light closer. what about lighting.. should i keep the lights on for 24 hours or 20/4?


Well-Known Member
i started my seedlings on my first grow with 24/0 until they popped out then went to 18/6 and this stayed my vegging time. i didnt use domes but will in future i just misted the surface of my COCO every so often.

in my opinion you could use either 20/4 or 18/6 i believe that plants need a rest.



Active Member
I would def use a 18/6 or a 20/4 the darkness helps roots grow and to be honest I think you need more than just those two lights for that many seedlings......


well when the plants have grown for a while i will switch to the metal halides. i was told though, that this light would be ok.