That's what THEY say. I was wondering about your real world numbers. Do they differ?
Personally, I am still just an observer that is interested in maybe purchasing this plasma in the future. So I have no 1st hand experience but. Gcrumpets another subscriber on this forum has one and reported 233 watts at the wall in his thread. So in my opinion, I have no reason to not believe the numbers they have posted on their site. The only discrepancy is the small 3 watt difference from Gcrumpets reading (233 kill-a-watt reading) and the 230 watts the "Rocket Plasma" people used for their calculations.
"retails for an even $1000, with a bulb in it, replacment bulbs run $99, forgot to mention the power draw, its listed as 230w 120-240v, plugged it into a kill-a-watt and it read 233, seems accurate.
ive had one running for about 3 hours now, very little heat, i can comfortably keep my hand 1/2" below the light."