Rockwool 1/4" grow-cubes - any experience?


Hey guys,

Im thinking on tackling a grow using grodan 1/4"grow-cubes, mixed with a little bit of small hidroton bits, as a medium, in regular pots.

Any experience using them? I'm wondering how is the water perfusion, thinking about using a dripper in each pot, going for SOG using 1 gallon pots. will the water perfuse well and spread out even thoughout the bits?

Any experience using them?

Captura de Tela 2021-10-30 às 18.33.30.png


Also considering layering granulated rockwool with small hidroton, so that there isnt a chance of overwatering and still keep roots aerated.

Captura de Tela 2021-10-30 às 18.36.07.png