Rockwool cubes


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they are in strings in the dry/curing room. It has a littl over 60 feet of bud next to bud. The bottom line with bulbs I think is the sales man point of view. Yea both bulbs will work. Had both kinds and use a hps ballast for door stops and for me they work better as door stops. I am not in this for a fun. I only like to smoke the red hair. People pay good money for the tight buds and thats were its at. You must remember your dealing with people who pay extra for big fat buds. I do not care how they smoke them. Here is ONE of this weeks pickens Please note the mirror size to compair buds. Also note the biggest buds so far I have seen were from a mh with no reflector. One was 8 in accross!!!! and god only knows how long. Here is a pic of my measly buds

Attached Thumbnails

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
the main benefit of ceramic metal halide is that it can be used for the entire grow cycle.
I'm doing a SoG op. I have separate clone, mum veg & flowering areas. No one light handles veg & flower. I can afford to use a light of the spectrum most suited to the particular phase of growth instead of a do-all compromise light. A full spectrum light doesn't actually do me any favours. Narrowing the spectrum to the bands the plant mainly uses in flowering instead of producing some light the plant won't make much use of in flowering means I get more lumens/watt in the most useful bands.

If I switched out the 1000HPS lights in flowering, it'd most likely be a lamp which also has a pronouncedly red-yellow spectrum.

So, I go by what I know, not what I hear.
You're telling me a lot about what you hear, not what you know.

My experience with flowering with MH is that buds come up leafy.

These are not only leafy but stretchy!

I'll hold this up to that any day of the week.

HPS makes fluffy buds, huh? What crap. You could stand a brick on this cola and not squash it. I get rock-solid density, not 'fluffy buds that look large' ferfuxsake.


Active Member
the intention was not to initiate a debate,i like this, you like that, someone else thinks we are both wrong, all i am going to do is grow my shit, and be happy with what i get out of it.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
I'm still very interested in seeing some practical work done with CMH. May not suit what I need to do, but there will be someone who eventually will ask me about them and I'd like some first-hand on how they go.


Active Member
i have used them for 2 or 3 years now, mainly combinations of 2 400s in one fixture. and i used the 600s for finishing the buds off 12k. i like the ability to get them close without worrying about frying the plants, without cooltubes i had them at 12 inches..8 or nine with a light breeze from a fan or two. i can not say they are the greatest thing since sliced bread, but they do produce a nice rock hard bud, and people seem to love the stuff no matter the strain. it all seems to come out above average in structure and intensity. now with the added info on girth of clones we could be on the brink of some fairly exceptional product on the next go round. i like them, they have suited us well so far

hope the 2 cents worth helps

King Bong

New Member
It's all spectrum, Kelvin color temp and grams per watt yield.
Yes, you WILL get more leaf growth from a 5000-7000 Kelvin halide than from a 3000 Kelvin halide. 3000 Kelvin halide is the best combo of lumens and Kelvin.
You won't get more yield from 2-400W CMH than you will from 1-1000W.
Physics is physics...light is light.
Your "argument" is best taken up with the laws of physics and SanClem who has researched this subject over decades and has put sodium ballasts in the "good for door stops" catagory.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
OK, I light each pair of my 900x900mm trays with a 1000. I only harvest 1 tray at a time, every 2 weeks. Each tray yields 23-28.75oz (653.2-816.5g), so we'll double that to get a per-lamp yield, 1306.4-1633g per 1000HPS, or 1.306-1.633g/W. How'm I doing?

King Bong

New Member
That's great. Yield of coarse is also affected by good growing practices and experience that you obviously have.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
That's great. Yield of coarse is also affected by good growing practices and experience that you obviously have.

Last edited by King Bong; Today at 08:25 AM.

Good save with the edit.

Too bad the board sent me the first version by email:

To: [email protected]
Subject: Reply to thread 'Rockwool cubes'

Dear Al B. Fuct,

King Bong has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Rockwool cubes - in the Hydroponics / Aeroponics forum of Marijuana Growing.

This thread is located at:

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Your high school diploma is showing.

There may also be other replies, but you will not receive any more notifications until you visit the forum again.

All the best,
Marijuana Growing
Thanks, asshole.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Get caught out being a cockhead, so... act like a cockhead. Hey, another great save.

It's all spectrum, Kelvin color temp
BTW, it's not. It's all about luminous output in spectra that the plant can make best use of in the particular mode of growth at the time.

You must be really insecure or less than confident in your fairly silly ideas to get all emotional and call people names when you're caught out being wrong.


Active Member
one last inquery please, i noticed somewhere along the thread that it was mentiond the side chutes should be mowed down to no more than one inch [beside the top growth]. so what we are shooting for is thick stems about 9 or 10 inches, with a few leaves on top, going directly to 12/12 after a decent root system starts? it appears that i have gotten about 1/2 zip or so off smaller clones[ 2 or 3 mm] girth, some a little more, some a little less. i will be using root excelurator from house and garden to speed up and max out root developement. that product is another of few that really does what it claims. i like to keep things to a minimum, except lumens because in the long run..less can be more..if you know what i mean. grow area is 4x6ft with 3200 watts beaming down, surrounded with white styrofoam sheeting for diffused lighting evenly spread through the area. 3 aquamist tables 3 x 32 units, which is plenty to deal with for now. will more than likely rotate the 2 week thing to ease the burden.

thanks for the input and advice obg:joint:


Active Member
High all sorry it has been so long I got locked out for some reason. Well my plant that I think I have messed up is growing buds everywhere. I am fairly certain it won't be any good but i can't bring myself to get rid of it besides I can learn from watching it develop. Anyway have been doing a lot of reading up on germination and seedlings to once again go back to my good seeds. I think I have a pretty good idea on how to get started now. When done I will clean and steralize everything and clean room again to once again get started. Will get back with you in about a month and let you know how it turned out and when I get started. Have a good one and burn one for me. The old Hippy DUGOUT


Active Member
I hope this gets to the right place but what happened to my plants was I transplanted from Miracle gro to my Hydro unit and lost about half of the roots. I kept them growing just to see what happens I have lots of bud all over but no smell. I am not expecting to much but have learned a lot at least it wasn't my good seeds. Well that is about all for now. Burn one for me the Ole Hippy DUGOUT:peace::joint::weed:

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
About how many weeks into flower is this plant? Do you see resin trichomes forming on the buds?

For future reference, if you want to go from soil to hydro, it's smart to do a batch of cuttings in a medium like RW cubes and then grow those in the hydro system, rather than trying to liberate the roots from soil.

If you just gotta move a plant from soil to hydro, sink the pot of soil into a big tub of water and gently massage the soil out of the rootmass. Have a bucket of pH 5.8 water handy and dip the mostly cleaned rootmass in it to remove any remaining soil; the grit & silt in soil will plug pumps or trash their motor shafts. Have your pot of hydroponic media ready, sink it in a bucket of clean 5.8 water to float the media. Gently insert the rootmass deeply into the flooded media. When you raise the repotted plant out of the bucket, let it drain a bit then pack a bit more media around the top to stabilise the plant. It can then go into the watering system of your choice.