Rockwool cubes?


Active Member
Hi i have just planted my first seeds in rockwool, i have someone who has been helping me with my cab build and is gonna talk me through growing also.

The thing is though i have posted a picture of the cubes i used and he said they are to big, they are 3". He is offline now though and i dont know what to do? Should i dig the seeds out or just leave them and see what happens? Im not sure if they will work in the big cubes?


:leaf:I think my cubes are too big also. I take a knife and just cut the sides off til its a smaller square. They are really easy to cut, and really easy to make uneven.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
do you have a dome over seedlings to trap moisture if not do it. it should be fine just transplant when it shows roots. use just water no nutes. do not overwater just moist not wet. and 2 or 3 das ull have blast off


Active Member
Good thinking man why didnt i think of that, ive just done it and cut them as small as i could get away with.


Active Member
do you have a dome over seedlings to trap moisture if not do it. it should be fine just transplant when it shows roots. use just water no nutes. do not overwater just moist not wet. and 2 or 3 das ull have blast off
Ok thanks dude, ive cut them down as much as i can and i do have a dome on them.