Rockwool overwater maybe


Well-Known Member
Ok so I have 4 cookie clones I put in 4 inch rockwool to learn a new method I put 1 in coco and is doing fine , the rockwool plants I have 3/4 looking over watered plus mag def. i pre soaked rockwool for 30 min 5.5 then watered with 5.8 . I think ph might be off but scared to drown em ... What you guys think ?? Also I put in a heat mat


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Also my run off was 6.1-6.2 first and last feed ... Should I let rockwool dry out ? Feed and correct ph ? I'm feed 2 ml/gal of GH cal/mag ..wonder why I have mag issues ..
Damp is good dripping wet is a no no!

look to the deep veins in the leaf as a guide

the deeper these veins are the less air at the rootlets, or cambium

good luck
@vostok ..please elaborate haha ,deeper how/into where lol ...the top half is damp/drying the bottom is really wet but not dripping
gently squeeze out excess water

with consideration to the expectant roots

and foilar spray the sponge

with your pint spray bottle

good luck
What up guys so i think I have a lockout problem ... So I did pre soak the cubes for 30 min in 5.5 solution .. But I dragged out the other 3 10-15 min earlier .. The 1 I let soak run off was 5.9 ;) but the others I pulled were 6.7 at first but kept pouring 5.7 solution through em until run off was 6.0.. Will it stay now ? Or will it rise again ?

Lesson learned let it soak atleast 30 min
So Thursday they were looking pretty shitty with a 6.3 ph run off and last night they were 5.9-6.0 . Looking really better I'm actually liking the growth on these 1s than the coco despit the rocky start . Pic at 6.3- and after at 6.0 I just kept flushing with 5.5 . If you in the same position just keep flushing with nutes and keep adjusting ph ! Let rockwool dry a bit tho before flushing again (2 days)


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@pergamum362 right on i was using advance but had to go cheap this last run to hydro store . Also when I been feeding this has been happening

1 ml Cali grow each A&B
2ml cal mag ph in 5.8 - run off 6.0

Also can't keep the purple of the stems , Epsom foliar feed helps for A few days then starts purpling up??
Will get better pic later


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This is what I meant I hate the purpling of the stems !! Is it phosphorus or mag when I give it a mag foliar itll green up but then purple up again ... Ugh ! Haha n the yellowing and stuff I guess it's over fert? But ppms barely at 350 very light...


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I would say you had some root issues to start and yup perhaps due to a water issue. I find rock wool is very water specific and that it needs very little until roots are established. Not saying it will help you but in my setup (F&D) I started to add an amino product and the cal/mag like symptoms have disappeared.
Why do you think over fert? Feed really, if the roots have been established, then bump up the feed. That bit of dried/burnt leaf looks like p def. purpling petioles is usually cal/mag.
If im not mistaken cali a&b is supposex to be organic too right? Ive not had real great results trying to run organic in rockwool...could just be me tho.
I think it's deprived from stuff but don't think it's organic . The owner used to own advance too before he broke off its okay but rather use A N and didn't have the funds at the time . Going to give a little more P . Do you guys wait to feed until rockwool fully dries