Rocky Mountain High Grow Journal (CFL's exclusively)

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member

It's funny you mention that about customs as the thought had certainly crossed my mind. I had been reading in the seed & strain sections about a lot of people getting their orders from Dr. Chronic confiscated and I was VERY worried that mine found the same fate.

The envelope did have a tear in one corner that was a bit suspicious???


Cheese Head
Cant wait to see your new grow but you BETTER finish this one :)

I think you be cool with the whole customs thing least I hope so :)

Ill be watching

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Okay, you got me but I'm back!

I re-did my 'pre flowering' room if you will. I had 3 lights mounted on a 3' x 6" board with the hoods attached. I got a 4' x 12" and mounted 4 light fixtures and brackets for holding all of the CFL hoods I had in the flowering room. I also covered the board with the black/white poly to reflect instead of the hoods. I can get more bulbs in less space which I hope will be good.

The best thing about this new HPS light, beside the seductive glow, is no more BURNT buds or leaves. I was always trying to keep them as close as possible but they were getting burned on the regular.

nothing on the satori seeds yet. I'm already screwing up my 'tried & trued' method. I didn't put them in the freezer for 24hrs, I didn't soak them in a cup of water for 24hrs, I skipped right to putting them into the paper towels. Hope this nervousness doesn't screw up my grow. Then I read on the Mandala site about how NEVER ever to use the paper towel method with their seeds, sigh, oh well, I think I'll be fine, if not I still have 6 seeds left.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm still kinda leary..lmao LSD caught that one in time .. 'leery about ordering seeds online, I'm just now getting over the fact that I'm going to have to order the hid online.. I don't really like ordering anything online if I can help it...

PS: Good luck on the second grow, also keep an eye out for my bubblegum journal coming soon..

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
so time for a quick update. The turkey baster method of watering is working great! I feel I'm getting the plants everything they need this way.

I have 4 plants that have been flowering for nearly 7 weeks and I'm getting one ready for harvest, woo hoo!

One plant has probably 50% amber colored hairs so I started flushing today. I hope to harvest it next weekend. How many times should I flush this week? What about the molasses?

On the others they are all coming along great. The first two clones are already caught up to the seedlings I had ahead of them. The other 4 clones are starting to look like they will pull through so all is well.

I have 2 more plant about 2 weeks behind the first four so I'm hoping to harvest a plant a week for the next 6 weeks!!

Then I will finally get to enjoy the fruits of my labor!


Well-Known Member
So hows that system working out for ya, tha plants are looking good. Cant wait to see how much your total yield is.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
so far so good robbie.

One thing I forgot on the update, I also topped my seedlings yesterday. They had 5-6 nodes so I cut 2 off at the top and one near the bottom, as an experiment. I also cut them diagonally as I read you can possibly get 3 or more main colas! We will see.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
These are the 3 males I put in the fire place yesterday.

All had perlite in the bottom of the pots and it seemed that the roots shot straight down there and swirled around. There was not a lot of big roots in the soil, many fine hair types but no real thick ones.

The pots were bone ass dry too, but there was plenty of moisture in the soil for the plants.

The pictures are of the roots whole from the pot then I took a big butcher's knife and cut down the middle. I then shook off the dirt to see the roots.

Hope you enjoy.


Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
I am probably totally wrong but it sure looks from the pictures like you had some real good growth through out the entire soil, but you still had the snake?

Go to CompUSA today or tomorrow, they are going out of biz, and snatch a digital cam on the cheap

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
maybe so. I did have the snake though.

Yeah I gotta get one, sooner rather than later.

Quick update, I bought some black strap molasses and have begun to give it to the plant I plan to harvest this weekend.


Well-Known Member
maybe so. I did have the snake though.

Yeah I gotta get one, sooner rather than later.

Quick update, I bought some black strap molasses and have begun to give it to the plant I plan to harvest this weekend.
Cant wait to see total yield, you stickying all the plants are on a select few in order to make a comparison?


Well-Known Member
Happy new year! RMH im right behind you bro! i started to flower my babies last night. Best wishes to you and your fam, and of course your plants ;-)