Rocky Mountain High Grow Journal (CFL's exclusively)

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
YGF, here is what the bottle tells me on each one:

Earth Nectar:

Liquid Mycorrhizal Inoculant plus beneficial microorganisms
Liquid compost concentrate with mutualistic microoganisms selected for their synergistic ability to help make soil nutrients available to plants. A complete liquid inoculant of indigenous microorganisms plus Mycorrhizae for 'Restoring the biology of soils'. Made from liquefied compost using our exclusive enzyme digestive process.


Bacterial dominated compost, funal dominated compost, whole seaweed, extract of seaweed, earthworm castings, fulvic acid and cultured humus.

Earth Ambrosia:

Our liquid humus (humic substances) is gently teased into solution via microbial action. because of this biological process, our liquid humus is low in salts and any negative salt effects are minimized. Its purpose is to help the delivery system of Earth Nectar's living culture of biologically active soil beneficial organisms plus the other known benefits of humus.


Cultured humus, specific soil microorganisms and water.

Well there ya have it, in full detail.

I will let you guys know how well it works, when I can.


Well-Known Member
hey man...thanks thats great...don't ya just love the frickin names these people give this stuff....all in the name of attracting peole to choose their's over someone's esles.....looking really good! walk on man!


Well-Known Member
Very nice RMH! Now that I'm back to being able to check Rollitup more often I'll be following along as well. Any questions you have you can send my way. Tahoe can vouch, I can be very helpful when asked :)

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Tahoe & Sublime,

thanks guys appreciate YOU. I have plenty of questions, so I will definitely be bouncing them off you Sublime.

thanks again for stopping by


Well-Known Member
from what you posted...looks like pretty gtood stuff....but don't have any experience with it....I am a fan of keeping things simple....but something like that does sound like it could certainly have very beneficial effects? walk on man!


Well-Known Member
I googled it, has some very good reviews. My experience is limited to outdoor/guerilla growing and LOTS of hydroponics. I've been developing my own strain for the past 6-7 months, and I'm almost ready to post about it. However, my investor is very... paranoid. No pictures, no visitors, etc. It's his place, his money, his risk, so I have to agree. But he did set aside a small space for my "experiments". I'm currently cross breeding TrainWreck males (got the seeds from a dispensory in Humboldt co.) with White Widow females. Got around 350 plants (175 male, 175 female) that I have to select my favorite phenotype from. But as soon as I get the perfect mother and father, expect a grow journal.


Well-Known Member uv totally teased us...we need to come and BEAT on you! hahahahahah :hump:
I googled it, has some very good reviews. My experience is limited to outdoor/guerilla growing and LOTS of hydroponics. I've been developing my own strain for the past 6-7 months, and I'm almost ready to post about it. However, my investor is very... paranoid. No pictures, no visitors, etc. It's his place, his money, his risk, so I have to agree. But he did set aside a small space for my "experiments". I'm currently cross breeding TrainWreck males (got the seeds from a dispensory in Humboldt co.) with White Widow females. Got around 350 plants (175 male, 175 female) that I have to select my favorite phenotype from. But as soon as I get the perfect mother and father, expect a grow journal.

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member

Looks like it should be 'the stuff'. Really interesting that you mix it together, I like the idea big time! Live enzymes....yummie.

If you want, don't use it on one plant and see, when they die, what the root difference is. Personally, I am 100% convinced it not only works, but works real well. IMHO 8)

Otherwise, the plants are looking killer. Good Job.