rocky's indoor grow!


Active Member
Also what nutes do you guys like to use in the early stages? Like chemical free ones that wont burn or damage the plant?


Active Member
Here are some pics on day 5! Hope you guys enjoy! I think they are doing pretty well, some are growing faster than others. One still only has its false leafs, but i kinda see some of the first set on it. I think they are staying nice and short and lookin like they will get bushy.
Sorry some of the photos are kinda blurry.



Active Member
What do you guys do with seedlings that seem to just not be growing. All the 7 other plants are going right along but one just wants to be stubborn and not grow any real leafs. Also one grew a deformed set of first leafs, lol it looks pretty funny actually.


Active Member
yea im going to if by tomorrow morning it has no set of leafs. Could just be a ugly duckling... lol


Active Member
Day 6.
I am happy with the progress so far, atleast for most of em. 3 of them are behind, however 1 of the 3 is four days younger. If i lightly rub my fingers on the leafs then smell my fingers i get a strong good smell! The leafs look like they have some crystals on em. And a few look like they have a tric pointing out of the tip of the leaf.
Tomorrow im going to transplant the bigger plants into bigger pots. I can see their roots at the bottom of these pretty big cups. Also im gunna pick up some superthrive, what do you guys think about that stuff? Oh and im gunna get some e - blankets for my setup.

Here are the pics, hope you enjoy.



Active Member
Ok so i woke up this morning and that one STILL had no growth. So it went in the trash and a new germed seed took its place. Hopefully it grows a little better than the one it replaceD! All the others are looking good. 5 out of the 8 are growing great. One is 3 or 4 days younger so its still smaller than the rest, still have hope for it though. The other small one is deformed as hell lol, it was growing pretty good, however now it looks as the growing has slowed on it. And hopefuly the newly planted seed grows strong like my others. I think this strain will be pretty potent, and i think its indica(pretty dang short and bushy.)Some of the bigger plants that are working on there 3rd leaf set have like no space inbetween the nodes.


Active Member
What do you guys think of my plants so far? They at the right stage so far? Any problems you see? let me knoW!


Well-Known Member
My advice is get 7000-10000 lumens per square foot for maximum yield. This is just what I read and I am aiming for. Currently with out taking into consideration dropping off over distance I have roughly 8400 lumen per square foot. Many other factors come into play for yields but certainly light power, plant genetics, and nutrition all play a role.


Well-Known Member
What do you guys think of my plants so far? They at the right stage so far? Any problems you see? let me knoW!
all ok so far but u know u r going to keep being told get more light,wont be chrystals yet, that comes late in flower,tis a long road yet ,have fun.:mrgreen:


Active Member
damn, at least i can dream they are crystals. I know i know need more lights. Gunna get a hps soon, whats a good setup for under $300?


Well-Known Member
Rocky jump on ebay bud, I am currently planning on getting a 250w HPS / MH compatible light for 75$ the 400W is only 100$ and I thought I saw 1000W for like 180$+ Any of them are a step in the right direction, 400 is a good starter though, if you are going big grab a 1000.