Rodger Stone set too walk

Look at the nexus of extreme right media, the extremist Right Republicans and American oligarchs along with the so called Religious Right, you got yourself fascism.
Now, now, let's be fair to our lesser brethren. A horrendous car accident, a stroke, an aneurysm or major blow to the head could reduce any one of us to his level, so, let's be generous to our fallen brothers.

as @PJ Diaz would say, you are taking @kgp 's words out of context. When PJ claims that, he's just trying to deflect, because I have gone back and checked his entire post to make sure I wasn't being unfair. But he's just trying to change the argument. I've never taken his words out of context, although I've had to put his entire quote in my sig line because he hates it when he's held to his words.

That said, it's clear from the context in kgp's post that we can't take the meaning of his post from common language. He said:
Rules are rules, laws are laws. No one should be above. But the double standard and hypocrisy of the fan base that will cast stones in one ditrection and turn a blind eye to the other.

The same as an anti fascist group acting like fascists to stop fascism. I know you don't agree with me on anything and have a keyboard full of letters that you can use to call me every name in the book, but do you at least see where I am coming from?

Within the context of his words, "fascist" or "fascism" do not fit the common use of those words. I have no idea what he's talking about and have asked the retarded knuckle dragging mouth breathing fascist Trump supporter (those are redundant words to be sure) what he means when he uses the words fascist or fascism.

The common use of fascism is:

Definition of fascism

1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

His use of that word does not match the dictionary. I hope my asking him for clarification is not too embarrassing to him.
I'm pretty sure that is too long for @kgp to read and comprehend.

The version he can handle is : fascism, bad.
Todays GOP are Trump lemmings. In solidarity they will be demonized for eternity, unwilling to hear factual witnesses and testimony. Refuse to hand over documents or submit to subpoenas.
"that son of a bitch, he got fired"

Joe Biden -

Biden, was following lawful orders backed by the full federal government all branches, Trump was having his minions doing personal business outside of the boundaries of the law.

Keep trying. Your Cult Leader needs you.
Here's the deal. While the 1% put the people of the us further in debt you need to invest to get some of this free money. Screw anyone under fify....
I am not worried about that article, it is basically just saying if the economy starts to melt, they will do what they can with the tools they use regularly to try to keep it stable. By freeing up the money the banks have invested in the government bonds, they would not get interest guarantee anymore and those banks would look to lend it out/ invest it to start growing it again, or if real big economic collapse, they would have cash on hand for people to withdraw and them not fall below the 10% cash threshold they are required to hold.
So, perhaps you can explain what he means when he uses the word fascist?

Rules are rules, laws are laws. No one should be above. But the double standard and hypocrisy of the fan base that will cast stones in one ditrection and turn a blind eye to the other.

The same as an anti fascist group acting like fascists to stop fascism. I know you don't agree with me on anything and have a keyboard full of letters that you can use to call me every name in the book, but do you at least see where I am coming from?
Trump Defends Stone, Attacks Judges And Prosecutors | Morning Joe | MSNBC

When asked what he learned from impeachment, Trump stated it was that the Democrats are 'crooked.' The Morning Joe panel discusses Trump's remarks and actions since his acquittal. Aired on 2/13/2020.
Preet Bharara sounds the alarm on Donald Trump's move

Former US Attorney Preet Bharara discusses the DOJ recommending a shorter sentence for Roger Stone following President Trump's tweet about Stone.
Preet Bharara sounds the alarm on Donald Trump's move

Former US Attorney Preet Bharara discusses the DOJ recommending a shorter sentence for Roger Stone following President Trump's tweet about Stone.

1. Too late; wolf's out of the bag.
2. Then fvcking do something already.
3. Let Sanders speak; if it were Clinton establishment would be performing cankle cunnilingus..
What exactly is "your job" Bill? Maybe you should resign? Not even Donald is stupid enough to fire you.
Barr says Trump's tweets about DOJ cases make it 'impossible to do my job'

(CNN)Attorney General William Barr on Thursday rebuked President Donald Trump for publicly commenting on sensitive investigations but insisted the Justice Department had acted appropriately after an extraordinary falling out with career prosecutors who had handled the case of Roger Stone earlier this week.
In an interview with ABC News, Barr provided a robust defense of the department's rank-and-file and said Trump's online missives made it "impossible" to do his job.
"I cannot do my job here at the department with a constant background commentary that undercuts me," Barr said.
"To have public statements and tweets made about the department, about people in the department, our men and women here, about cases pending in the department and about judges before whom we have cases, make it impossible for me to do my job and to assure the courts and the prosecutors in the department that we're doing our work with integrity," he said.

The criticism was a notable zag for Barr after days of mounting scrutiny over his role in the fraught decision to publicly disavow prosecutors who had sought a stiff punishment for Stone, a longtime friend of Trump. The President had tweeted congratulations Barr for the move, provoking protest from Democrats who demanded an investigation.
The four career attorneys who had worked on the Stone case and signed off on the original sentencing memorandum each withdrew from the case on Tuesday in an apparent protest.
On Thursday, Barr said he was "a little surprised" that the prosecutors had stepped down, and told ABC News that it was "preposterous" to characterize his role in the developments this week as an intervention. He argued he had merely acted to resolve an internal department dispute.
He has not spoken with the prosecutors, he added.
Barr told ABC that he hoped the President would react and respect the criticism of his tweets delivered in the interview.
"I hope he will react," Barr said.
A White House official said Trump is not upset with Barr after his comments to ABC.
Earlier this week, Trump insulted the career Justice Department attorneys who handled the Stone case, saying they had been "exposed for recommending a ridiculous 9 year prison sentence" and insinuating that they were "Mueller people."
Two of the attorneys had worked under former special counsel Robert Mueller, while the other two had picked up the case when it was transferred to the DC US attorney's office.
AG Barr: I'm not going to be bullied by the President

Attorney General William Barr criticized President Donald Trump for tweeting about Justice Department cases in an extraordinary defense of rank-and-file prosecutors in an interview with ABC News.
'Not Fit For Office': Bush Lawyer Slams Barr For Undermining DOJ | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Former Deputy Attorney General Donald Ayer joins MNSBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber to discuss AG Bill Barr’s intervention in DOJ cases to protect convicted Trump aide Roger Stone. Ayer, who also preceded Barr as deputy attorney general under President George H. Bush, argues Barr’s “pattern of conduct that he’s engaged in since he came in” as Attorney General involves “intervening out of usual course to protect Donald Trump.” Ayer adds Barr is not “fit for the office” and his “campaign” as AG works to “undermine the Department of Justice.”
Besieged AG Barr Knocks Trump But Still Backs Plot To Help Convicted Trump Aide | MSNBC

In a rare rebuke, Attorney General Bill Barr admits Trump makes his job harder by tweeting, but still stands by helping convicted Trump aide, Roger Stone. MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports on why Barr is trying to quell the bipartisan firestorm over stepping in to “take charge” of the Stone case by reducing his sentence and why Barr is essentially saying he backs the plan but just don’t admit it on Twitter.
Trump and Barr Corrupt the Justice Department as John Kelly Speaks Out: A Closer Look

Seth takes a closer look at President Trump and his attorney general turning the Justice Department into a political weapon to protect Trump’s friends and punish his enemies.