Roger Waters victim of Cancel culture???

Just heard Water’s remake of Money. He’s a very misguided man, clearly.

Honestly, I’m glad it’s horrible. What hubris to think that he has anything to add today to that amazing album.
One of my faves.
His jackassery of late casts a shadow every time I hear an otherwise good Floyd tune.

As a former opioid hobbyist this one hits home.

Just heard Water’s remake of Money. He’s a very misguided man, clearly.

Honestly, I’m glad it’s horrible. What hubris to think that he has anything to add today to that amazing album.
Its his song he can do what he likes with it- I think its mentioned in one of the interviews posted here he was working on doing something different with it. As long as he is happy with it is the main thing.

Its been a great thread. Shines a very bright light on Waters and his convictions and attitudes and Love of peoples everywhere. Israel has certainly come out worse in their persecution of him. Shame a small number of people side with Israel.

And damn has he been right about Israel!!!
There just getting worse and worse.
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Surprise surprise!
Same tactic they used in Germany against Waters.

Israeli embassy officials in London attempted to get the attorney general’s office to intervene in UK court cases relating to the prosecution of protesters, documents seen by the Guardian suggest.

The papers, obtained through a freedom of information (FoI) request by Palestine Action, indicate that embassy officials pressed for the director general of the attorney general’s office (AGO), Douglas Wilson, to interfere into cases related to protests on UK soil.

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Does America still have its Embassy in Jerusalem or has Biden already moved it back? If America hasn't moved it back then why haven't they? Biden has no excuse for not doing it in his first term.

“The Australian government is strengthening its opposition to settlements by affirming they are illegal under international law and a significant obstacle to peace,” she said.

Wong also indicated the government would return to the position of previous governments of explicitly referring to the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

When asked by the Coalition to explain the precise boundaries, Wong said the stance was in line with UN security council resolutions. She said it matched “the approach taken by key partners including the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and the European Union”.
- But she doesn't say America...
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