rogue plant


Well-Known Member
I'm debating whether or not to kill my males. I have them in an isolated area with only a tiny 13watt CFL that's on maybe 4 hours / day max. lol.


Well-Known Member
Now I have a real problem. It rained really hard here for like 3 hours during the day and some of the fan leaves got ripped off. Not too sure how bad the damage is yet I'll find out in the am. Anyone know problems I may be facing now?


Well-Known Member
from my experience if it is in early veg it will make the plant more resiliant... flower, you might get a hermie... sun leaves are OK to loose, its new growth you want to make sure is ok.... you should be fine, post some pics ... :)


Well-Known Member
Well I've been doing the 12/12 thing for 5 days now I've noticed secondary grows off the nodes looks like little bunches of 3 set fans coming out....I guess I'll see tomorrow what's what....


Well-Known Member
Well the update is that the plant seems to be ok. It is standing tall and the only leaves that got hit where the fan leaves. It's almost as if nature did some pruning for me because the secondary growth is now getting light so I'm hoping that this doesn't have any ill effects. hopefully soon I can see what i got here. No signs of sexing yet, to the best of my knowledge, but I can't get any close up pictures. I'll see about getting a better camera.


Well-Known Member
As for an update I'm now 6 days into 12/12 covering the plant at night only changes that can be seen are smaller sets of leaves growing off the initial nodes. Plant is supposed to double in size while flowering. Does this mean double the height or double in mass as a whole? Just curious beginning to get impatient waiting for sex to show.


New Member


Well-Known Member
mouutainstar, I appreciate the link, however I only decided to use the can cause it was the only thing I had that was big enough to cover it with. The problem I have now is I'm not sure the plant will fit under the can when it actually does start to flower. I really need to know to what extent the plant double in size, wether it be height or width or both. anyone have a definate answer?


Well-Known Member
Looks the same to me .. And never show / tell anyone about your grow . Never tell another " pothead " as you put it . Just let mother natire take care of it .. mine is outdoor plant and i only add water and a lil superthrive . Good Luck with the front yard bud


Well-Known Member

A very strong recommendation to you from an experianced landscapper... You need to conceal. First off, to be blunt, that flower bed looks more like a pathetic pile of dirt. Do a makeover on it focusing on plants to conceal your little plant (which I wouldn't be forcing to flower imo) These plants are some basic garden plants you can fin at many garden stores that will mask your plant; False Aralia, cleome, october rose hybiscus, Jatropha multifida, Kenaf, anise, and I know there are more. REMEMBER you don't want to attract too much attention, so if you have a bed full of pot look alikes thats questionable, so plant other plants as well like spearmint, lavender, ornamental grasses such as fakahatchee, muhly, love grass, and other plants, diversify it. Also you need to take note as to climate compatability, sun, etc. But, if you redress your flower bed that knee high conspicuous single green plant sticking out against the black dirt and white sideing will blend a hell of alot better, and a trash can in the middle of the bedding will look like your doing garden work, not some weird clock work upsidedown stacking thing. :laugh:

Didn't mean to ramble, but I thought I could offer some assistance. :peace:


New Member
that plant will triple its size that it is now in flowering. It looks to be a sativa is the reason taht i say this. using one of the rubbermaid trashcans like the one i sent you in that link should be fine to force flower it. I dont believe that if you start flowering now that it will outgrow the can.

check out how big the plants were in that thread when the guy started it and then look @ how big they are when they are done. Not really much size difference because he was using indicas in there, your plants a sativa and will get a little bigger than his, but not by an awful lot.


Well-Known Member
Well thanks for the help. I was really starting to worry cause the can is the biggest one I have so if it were to outgrow the can I would have nothing to cover it up at night with. LOL.


New Member
Well thanks for the help. I was really starting to worry cause the can is the biggest one I have so if it were to outgrow the can I would have nothing to cover it up at night with. LOL.
You owe me pictures though out the grow now. If you dont happen to own a camera I also accept payments of souls via paypal.:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Once I see some changes in the plant so will you. =) trust me I have a little, very, very little knowledge about what I may be looking at so pictures will be included for sure.


Well-Known Member
if turns out to be a female and you think it getting to tall bend the top down and stake it to the floor to make a upside down u this wont put the flowering back like pinching out but will half your height and promote side branching.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip. The height is still about the same after 7 days of flowering but there is alot of growth on secondary branches, meaning more side branching?? lol. Now when I looked at it close up with my magnifying glass I did see something very small starting to come out where the spurs??(don't really know what else to call them) come off the main stem. I'm thinking preflower cause I spotted two of them on two different spurs. Won't be able to get a picture just yet hopefully in a few days or so.


Well-Known Member
I believe the word you're looking for is node? i dono. but yeah, preflowers are quite possible, especially if you're inducing flowering like this. I wish I could try this out on a few plants of mine, but they're too far away for me to cover then uncover them every day :(


Well-Known Member
No no. The nodes is where the branch pretrudes from. There are these little thorn looking things on either side the point up, I called them spurs cause I have no better way to describe them to you, but there is a little green nonsense starting to grown right in between the spur and the main stem. Next to the side branch in two different spots. Once they develope (hopefully they will keep growing) I'll try to get a better picture.