Rollie why the fuck is my thread closed?

i got plenty of room for one
makes me mad that yrs ago a buddy offered me the frame for a real green house but i never went and got it and now they use it :(
i thought about making one with old salvaged sliding glass doors if i could find enough of them

Lol. My buddy/ex-coworker did it outta old double-hung windows he got from his buddy who worked for a window company replacing them and scrap 2X4's from jobsites. He sprayed a Frost coating on the outside and the clear-coated it. Been standing for about 7 years now.
Lol. My buddy/ex-coworker did it outta old double-hung windows he got from his buddy who worked for a window company replacing them and scrap 2X4's from jobsites. He sprayed a Frost coating on the outside and the clear-coated it. Been standing for about 7 years now.

all u would need is this to join and seal them
my post count has been going up and down all day long as they are deleting and opening then deleting again wtf
I've been away from the Internet and going through RIU withdrawals and threads are not just closed but fucking deleted :finger: a new level of censorship way to go Rollie!