rolling leaves


Active Member
One of my plants has started curling it's lower leaves. Their color is good, they are just rolling up. They get watered daily, their under about 900 watts of red and blue leds and the temp stayes between 78 and 82. Any ideas?:cry:
i have the same problem, the newer leaves are perfectly fine...
but, it's just the lower, older leaves... 1 of mine looks like it's rolling itself into a joint..
does any of yours seem to do the same?

i'll checking your thread, to see what others say...

i have the same thing going on with one of my little ones. i think it was due to over watering i could be wrong though.
You say your watering every day? do they really need that much?

Wait till the soil's dry before watering, I stick my finger down about an inch or so and if its still wet I wait to water it...
leaves will curl if...
1. too much Heat
2. too much water
3. too little water
4. no water
5. The plant is trying to tell you something (give it a pen)

but really I think it is the light because of the "rolling" check that first.
im pretty sure its not too much heat. my light is about 18 inches above my little ones. the larger ones that i have in my box are not rolling. so im thinking ive simply been giving mine just too much water. thanks guys. peace.
i have the same problem. i thought i was underwatering it, that it was just thirstier than the other plants. i still dont know for sure. but i thought overwatering made the leaves curl downward more? so my plant was to just water it every day until the leaves curled down but it hasnt worked yet
I dont know for sure but 2 of my leafs curled like a joint. I looked at it closely and found caterpillars in the tight curled leafs. But yea water only when needed, your plants will tell you when to water they start to droop.
Same thing here. I don't know that I'd call it a problem or not, but I'll keep an eye on it. I have been watering about every 4 or 5 days (Erring on the side of caution). Today they were curling under, and I watered them today. I'll know tomorrow if it was 'cuz they were thirsty.

If it was heat stress, I would think that the tops and upper leaves would be the first ones affected, not the lower leaves as has been described in this thread.
this is mine

SayWord, raise your lights! Personally, I think thats heat stress. Mine do that as they grow and get closer to the lights. I raise the lights, they flatten back out.

Jrod, as for our leaves turning/curling under, who knows? I doubt that it's heat, seeing as it is only affecting my lower branches/Fan leaves. I sit and really watch these things, and believe me, they move around, and will do some strange shit. I wish I could take a time lapse vid and post it. I just don't panic at the sight of a curling or sideways leaf anymore. Most of what you see is going to be a natural movement of the plant.
Now if what you're seeing doesn't change in a day or so, then start looking at it harder.
when the leaves curl up like that its due to magnesium deficiency, just add epsom salt when u water, same thing happened to mine and it cleared them right up
Mine are curling under themselves also, but I know for a fact that I do not have heating issues. I believe mine is due to the soil. I'm using MG soil which I think is overfeeding her.