RollingDope's Auto Northern Lights CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
No not's in full detail about all mygrows & why blue mystic.
My 1st grow was to see can I actually start a grow and finish it without killing or fucking up go the point of no return.
My 2nd grow(My NL) was to 1)experiment wih autos 2)try new techniques(LSTing & flushing etc.) 3)smoke some NL lol
My 3rd grow(Blue Mystic) was to use the techniques ive mastered, grow her out fully,and properly dry & cure
My 4th & 5th will be to master what ive learned from my 1st 3


Well-Known Member
Chopped down my NL today. I will have a smoke report and all that good stuff once it dries. I'mma continue this thread until my blue mystic is complete. I haven't started the auto candy kush thread yet but it is coming soon. The Scissor hash I had gave me a good idea of what to expect once she dries.
If it matters the wet weight was 85.9 or 86 grams. So I'm looking at almost a quarter short of an oz dry which isn't bad considering I cut her down two weeks short.


Active Member
Good. I hope for 1 ounce dried from 2 plants for myself. Wouldn't be bad...
If you got smokable matter from your scissors, I can't think of anything bad.
How was the smell before you harvested?